Chapter 13 - Are You Ready?

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Kira was cooking dinner with her lover, but Kyoya was the one doing the most difficult things since the lady was tired once again. That battle she had had with Ren was fierce and, after that, she gave the girl's a ride home which delayed the Legendary Blader's arrival at her house.

'So, that Ren girl is really strong,' Kyoya commented after Kira had told him about the blonde blader.

'She is.'

'Are you sure you're not only saying that because her beyblade is also a Phoenix?' he asked.

'I battled her. She is strong. She made me use my ultimate,' Kira explained. 'She just got unlucky during the qualifiers.'

Then, her phone buzzed. She had received a message. She walked back to the sofa where her phone was to check it. Chris had texted her. There was going to be an emergency meeting the next morning. He told her not to worry since anything bad had happened, but that didn't relax the businesswoman who was already stressed.

'Everything alright, babe?' Kyoya asked noticing Kira's nervousness after reading the text.

'I don't know... Chris said there will be an emergency meeting tomorrow, but he also told me that it isn't anything bad,' she explained.

'Then, don't worry about it and help me setting the table,' he smiled.

The couple had dinner and after that Kira went to bed. She was really tired and that meeting early in the morning meant she would have to get up early as well, so she needed to rest.

On the next day, Kira went straight to the meeting room when she arrived at Rise. She was the first to arrive but soon Chris and every department director joined her. They all sat at the long table and then the blond Legendary Blader began speaking.

'Boss, we all know these days have been busy and that you declined Black Sakura's invite to join them in the opening show for Neo Battle Bladers because of that,' he said. 'So, we've decided we will all work extra hard in the next few weeks so you can 'perform with the band. We know this is important for you and we don't want you to miss this opportunity.'

Kira's lips turned into a big smile as her eyes filled with tears of joy. She couldn't believe her team was really doing that for her.

'We've all agreed that we should do this for you, so, please, call them back,' Chris said handing the lady a phone with Kaito's number already dialled.

The red-haired female took the phone on her hand and begin the call.

'Hi, Kaito. It's Kira,' she spoke still not believing what was happening. 'Count me in for that opening show... Yes, I'll be there in ten.'

When the call ended, Kira got up and hugged Chris to thank him.

'Thank you so much,' she then thanked all the directors. 'You're the best team I could have ever asked for.'

They all smiled and then the lady informed she would have a meeting with Black Sakura soon. Chris offered to drive her to the band's studio and Kira gladly accepted the ride.

'Chris,' the Legendary Blader began as her assistant drove, 'what you did means a lot to me and I can't even thank you enough.'

'Don't worry about it, boss. Now, we are even,' he replied. 'When you offered me a job seven years ago, none of the Legendary Bladers trusted me that much, but you did.'

Kira smiled as the memories took over her.

Soon, the two bladers arrived at the studios where Black Sakura was waiting for the talented blader. The lady got out of the car and entered the building. Kaito and the others were waiting for her at the hall. They all had big smiles on their faces and hugged Kira.

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