Chapter 18 - Returning to the Beylin Temple

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'I didn't miss this journey at all,' Kira commented as she and Kyoya made their way to the Beylin Temple.

'We're almost there,' the male replied when he saw the temple on the horizon.

Soon, the couple was at the temple's door. The big gate opened to reveal Dashan and Chi-yun who were surprised to see the two Legendary Bladers there.

'Kira... Kyoya,' the taller male spoke. 'What are you doing here?'

'I want you to train me,' Kira replied with a serious look on her face. 'I need to become stronger. I have two weeks.'

Her straightforwardness left the blader speechless. He had never expected to see the Legendary Blader asking him to train her. Of course, he knew she was asking him that because of everything that had happened with DNA. However, she was way stronger than him. What could he possibly do to help her?

'Kira, I... I feel honoured,' Dashan replied. 'But you're the strongest blader alive, what could you possibly learn from me?'

Kira was expecting that humble reaction from Dashan. He had always been very honest and sensible and also very aware of his own limits.

'I don't know, but I can't wait to find out,' she smiled. 'If there's anyone in this world capable of training me, that person is you, Dashan. I may be stronger, but you know many things I don't. I'm here to complete the training I started when I first came here.'

Dashan smiled. He felt more than happy. He felt honoured and proud. The blader was at loss for words, so he just hugged the lady tightly.

'Thank you, Kira,' he whispered and the female hugged him back.

'I'll be the one thanking you in the end,' she replied.

The Chinese bladers walked the couple inside and led them to the dorms. On their way, they crossed paths with Aguma and Bao who had just finished their morning training.

'Kyoya?' Aguma said showing how surprised he was to see the green-haired male there. 'And Kira...'

'What are you guys doing here?' Bao asked confused as well.

'We'll talk about that during lunch,' Dashan replied and the group kept heading to the dorms.

When they were at the dorms, they began hearing some familiar voices. It was Mei-Mei and Chao-xin. They had finished their training as well and went to the dorms to shower. The two groups ended up meeting and once again Dashan told them they would all talk during lunch.

The male showed the couple their room and then they walked to the dining room. It was near the canteen where the bladers in training had their meals, but there was no contact between the two rooms.

'So, what happened really?' Dashan asked Kira who was about to start eating.

'I assumed you followed Neo Battle Bladers,' the female began and the Chinese blader nodded. 'That Kira Hayama and some other bladers are from DNA.'

'Chi-yun doesn't like the sound of it,' the blue-haired male commented.

'Well, the Garcias are running that company and they wanted to be the ones leading the new era of beyblade,' the British lady continued. 'However, they would never be able to create any beyblade on their own especially one like Bahamoote.'

'That beyblade also gave me chills,' Aguma confessed. 'I have never seen a bey like that before.'

'No one has,' Kira replied taking a sip of tea. 'And there is only one person I can think of capable of creating something like that... Doji.'

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