Chapter 1 - New Adventures

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'Good morning, lion-boy,' Kira spoke softly as she poked Kyoya's nose gently.

He opened his blue eyes and saw his lover getting ready to sit at the edge of the bed to get up. He put his arm around her waist and pushed her back to him making her fall and end up being the small spoon.

'Don't go,' the male spoke with his usual husky morning voice.

She wanted to stay as well, but, unfortunately, she couldn't.

'Babe, I can't stay. Do you have any idea how many meetings I have today?' she explained.

The green-haired male understood that Kira had a terribly busy day, so he let her go.

'By the way, your alarm has already gone off,' she informed walking to the bathroom. 'Don't sleep in or Kakeru will be mad at you and at me too for not waking you up!'

When she left the bathroom, her lover was still in bed, but he was now fully awake.

'You look like a true businesswoman,' he complimented the lady when he saw her in her black pegged pants and dark red blouse.

'That's because I am one!' she said playfully before leaving the room to go to the kitchen.

She prepared a toast with some strawberry jam and then made some iced coffee. She knew Kyoya would be having breakfast soon and he loved to drink iced coffee in the morning. While she did so, she felt something in her legs. It was Ash and she was hungry.

'Just give me a second, sweetie,' Kira spoke to the grey cat and finished preparing her toast.

Then, she put some food on her bowl and changed her water. The little cat was happy and purred as Kira petted her before finishing her breakfast.

After that, Kira went to the home office and took her iPad to put it in her black purse that was in the hall. She did that and put on her Louboutin "So Kate" black heels.

'I'm leaving, babe!' she shouted so Kyoya could hear her.

'Love you!' he replied.

'Love you more,' she said before leaving.

When she got out of the building, her motorist who was also her personal assistant was already parked there waiting for her.

'Good morning, boss,' the blond man in the car greeted as Kira got in and closed the door.

'How many times do I have to tell you can call me just Kira?' she asked with a smile.

'Your tea is here. It is still a little hot so be careful,' he replied ignoring her words and handing her a white card cup with the tea.

'Thank you,' she smiled.

'You have a meeting in half an hour with the WBBA director,' the man informed as he rode the car. 'Do you have all the documents you need?'

Kira nodded and soon they arrived at the WBBA headquarters. The elegant woman left the car after freshening her dark red lipstick and her wavy blood-red hair.

The sound of her heels could be heard as she walked the building's corridors. Everyone greeted her as she crossed paths with them. Finally, she arrived at the director's office.

'Good morning, director,' she greeted playfully.

'Kira, you arrived right in time!' Tsubasa replied. 'Take a seat, please. I'm going to call Madoka and soon the meeting will begin.'

The lady sat at the director's secretary and then Tsubasa turned on the big screen in front of her. Madoka was already connected as well and she could see them.

Heart of Steel (Beyblade Shogun Steel/Kyoya)Where stories live. Discover now