Chapter 17 - New Goals

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'Knock-knock,' Kira and Kyoya heard someone knocking at their door.

'It must be Kakeru and Makoto,' the lady with red hair commented as she left the kitchen to go to the door.

She opened it to find Kakeru and his boyfriend both smiling.

'Kira!' the green-haired male exclaimed and hugged the Legendary Blader.

'Hi, Kakeru! And hi, Makoto,' Kira smiled at the brown-haired man.

He was a little timid and nervous since he was a big fan of Kira's work as a businesswoman.

'Good evening,' he said politely.

'He's a little nervous,' Kakeru spoke. 'And he's a big fan of yours, Kira.'

'Oh, now I'm the one getting nervous!' she laughed lightly. 'But are you a Beyblade fan or a metal fan?'

'I'm more of a fan of your work as CEO...' Makoto confessed.

Kira's lips turned into a big smile when she heard that. She had never met someone who looked up to her mostly because of her role as Rise's CEO.

'You're cooking risotto?' Kakeru spoke walking to the kitchen to see what his older brother was doing.

'I really like risotto,' Makoto commented.

'I knew it!' Kira exclaimed. 'Your face didn't lie! See, babe, I was right!'

Kyoya just rolled his eyes. He could have sworn Makoto wouldn't like risotto, but apparently, Kira was right when she said he had the face of someone who would like that Italian dish.

The two couples had a lovely dinner together and talked about many things including Makoto's new project. The male was planning on opening a cake shop called Urban Icing in the city. He had already bought the place, he just needed to gather some more money to get the remodellings done and take care of everything else.

Kira seemed to be especially interested in that idea of his which made Kyoya question her about that matter once the dinner was over and the guests had left.

'Are you planning on investing in that bakery stuff?' the male asked as he and his lover organized the kitchen.

'Maybe,' Kira replied. 'His idea sounds promising.'

'What about our vacations next month?' Kyoya changed the conversation's subject knowing the lady was going to invest in the cake business.

'I've talked to Julian and we can stay in his house while in Italy,' Kira said with a smile. 'And we can use his private jet to fly to Greece.'

'Great,' the male replied kissing the Legendary Blader's forehead.

The next day was very busy for Kira. It was the first day without Chris since he took a few weeks off and as expected was the busiest day of them all. Fortunately, the beautiful lady handled everything just fine and still had some time to go to TC talk to Makoto.

The businesswoman got in her car and drove to TC. When she arrived, she went straight to the receptionist to ask if Kyoya was in a meeting. If the lady was going to her lover's company, she would see him as well. The young woman told the British blader he should be in his office so Kira headed to the lift and went to the top floor.

Kira looked at her reflection in the lift's mirror and checked if everything was looking good. The black bralette she was wearing matched her black purse and the burgundy suit she had on.

Once on the top floor, the Legendary Blader wasted no time and walked to Kyoya's office. When the red-haired female was almost there, she saw a lady with chestnut brown hair exiting the office. Kira didn't recognize her, so she assumed she was Kyoya's new secretary. The green-haired blader had told her his former assistant had become a dad and that he was forced to find a temporary replacement.

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