Chapter 2 - The 1-Day Tournament

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'A one-day tournament? In less than a week?' Kira spoke with shock.

Kyoya's eyes showed nothing but surprise as he watched his lover talking in the phone with Tsubasa. The couple was having dinner at the Metal Tower restaurant when the WBBA director called. They both thought something bad had happened, but, apparently, he just needed someone to sponsor a one-day tournament that would take place in a few days.

'I only sponsored that regional tournament in France because it was well organized! Julian sponsored it as well!' she argued with the silver-haired man. 'If you can guarantee me that the tournament will be a success, I'll sponsor it.'

On the other side of the line, Tsubasa explained that everything would be perfectly organized and convinced the CEO of Rise to sponsor the event and talk about it with her lover.

'I guess it didn't go that well,' Kyoya commented as he drank some red wine.

'Rise will sponsor the tournament and Bull Burger will too, but I guess Benkei didn't want me to know about that,' she replied a little upset at her associate. 'Tsubasa wanted TC to sponsor it as well.'

'I can talk to Kakeru tomorrow,' he said. 'But TC has nothing to do with Beyblade. I don't have anything to do with Beyblade anymore.'

Kira sensed Kyoya's body tensing up as he talked about a sensitive matter to him. He never fully recovered from the fact that Gingka was considered the strongest blader due to a victory he had in a small battle between the two.

'I know, babe,' she offered him a warm smile and reached for his hand. 'It's fine if you don't want to get your company involved. I think Bull Burger and Rise can cover this alone.'

The couple finished the food and then ordered some deserts. When they were almost finished, Kira decided to address a matter that had been in her head for a long while.

'Babe, I was thinking,' the lady began, 'we've been together for almost ten years now and I thought that maybe we should think about marrying...'

It was clear the beautiful woman was a little nervous while talking about that matter. However, deep inside she knew Kyoya would agree.

'I don't know,' he said bluntly making Kira's teal eyes widen. 'I don't think we need that.'

The female was shocked. She wasn't expecting that answer from him.

'Alright. I'm going to ask for the check,' she informed.

'Aren't you going to finish the Petit Gateaux?' Kyoya asked.

'I lost my appetite.'

The male knew she was angry at him because of what he had said. She didn't talk to him for the rest of the night and, the next morning, she left without saying goodbye. Even Chris noticed she wasn't in her best mood.

'Is everything alright, boss?' he asked when they were almost at Rise.

'No. Everything is wrong!' she spoke in an upset tone as Chris parked the car and she got out of it.

For the first time in a long time, Kira didn't greet anyone on her way to her office. When she got there, Chris, who had been following her, informed her about a meeting with the WBBA about the one-day tournament.

'You have a meeting with Director Tsubasa Otori and Madoka Amano in an hour,' he informed her. 'The new upcoming tournament will be discussed.'

'Fuck that shit,' Kira replied resting her head on her hand. She had already forgotten she had texted Chris about the new tournament so he could organize the meetings and get the sponsoring process going.

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