School Prince Archetype: Commonly seen in shoujo mangas that pertains a heroine is not typically allured by his charms, and separates her from the rest of the girls. Eventually, she falls in love with the male love interest. May it be the School Prince possesses intelligence or physical abilities, or just plain mysterious, he could be the main center of attention amongst young girls.
Whoever is assigned with this character typically also has a fan-club, consisting mostly of girls - most of the time they are malicious, cunning and two faced. Only showing their bitter side to those who threats or steals the School Prince.It gives a potential love rivalry and antagonism to the heroine. They are usually conveyed as girls who wears make up or skimpy outfits, who always talk about fashion and physical appearance, popular amongst boys and flirtatious in nature...
Huh... That's weird...
Fukui thought to herself, scanning the pages of the shoujo. Her thoughts scrambles together as she makes more connections and inferences with the shoujo in parallel to the real world. Oikawa is no doubt fitting in this genre, however, the fangirls' personalities don't seem to fit in this category at all...
"I wonder who's the tsundere protagonist that will attract Oikawa's attention..." She mumbled to herself thoughtfully. Her musings is interrupted, by a collective group of giggles just in her hearing range.
"Enjel-san, c-can you give this to Oikawa-kun for me?"
"Oh! Yukimura, feeling daring all the sudden now, huh? I made some cookies for Oikawa-senpai yesterday too, but I'm not sure if he'll like it..."
Fukui slowly inches down the manga she was reading down from her line of sight from the noise, seeing a small crowd of girls around her desk, all wearing eager smiles. She greets them with a wave and a friendly grin in return.
"Sure! Just leave them all on my desk. And I'm certain that he'll appreciate your gesture, Aiko-san." She looks up to see a small frown on the girl, regretful and apologetic.
"Sorry, Fukui-senpai... I hope we're not bothering you so early in this morning..." One of them said shyly. Fukui tilted her head in confusion in response. The girls around her wore a sorry smile, shameful and embarrassed in a way.
"Being Oikawa's cousin must be tough... Having to deal with us everyday... You have to deliver so many things and run errands... It must be tiring."
Fukui blinks owlishly once, then twice at the girls. Her lips lifted to a soft smile, understanding and warm.
How sweet of them...
"You know... You don't need to apologize for that kind of thing." She said. "It must take a great deal of devotion to take time and make cookies, write cards, and all those other stuff for the guy you like... I personally think it's amazing to see you guys continue to support him no matter what. It makes me..."
She pauses in mid-speech and twirls the pencil in her grasp to busy herself in finding the right words. Then, she halts herself and spares a glance at a worn pocket-sized moleskine sketchbook, inconspicuously tucked in between her textbook. Hesitantly, she continues:
"...It makes me wish that I have that kind of devotion in what I love to do as well."
Before any of the girls opened the mouth, the bell rang.
11:24 PM. Her room was dimly lit by the desk lamp, and she sits on the swivel chair with a pencil in her grasp. With a defeated sigh and a blank mind, she shuts to worn book close and spins around in her chair in hopes to relieve her boredom. A phone partially lit the room, screen bright and audibly heard, someone's voice whispered from the speakers from the speakers.
"Can't sleep?"
"Hm... Sort of. It feels like I can, but I don't feel like it yet." She replied with a soft voice, the phone laid right beside her. The small glow radiating in the dim room. She hears a long string of silence before the latter on the phone speaks again.
"And the reason why you called is...?"
"It's about this team..." She twisted around the chair slowly on her tiptoes. "I heard an old friend say something about Karasuno the other day - and I thought it was you who brought it up to me before. I might be wrong, but I can vaguely remember you telling me about them."
"Ah... Karasuno..." His voice is musing, syllables drawling lazily out of his lips. "I told you about them a couple weeks ago, remember? We had a practice match, and there was this interesting duo. Their quick was inhumane, and you always babbled on about sports manga that would pull that kind of stuff. So I told you about them."
"Huh... Lucky, you got to see them... I wanna see the quick..." She frowns in disappointment. "Maybe I should go and watch the match this weekend..." She sat up to hug her knees now, phone fit snug between her shoulder. The spinning decreases slowly, then stops.
"How's it there in Tokyo?"
"Meh. The usual. Kenma's the same, but Yamamoto's been whiny lately because a specific manager moved to Miyagi..."
"Whoa there. Don't blame this all on me." She defended. "It's not my fault that the house is cheaper here than a cramped apartment. Mom was gonna move in with me but... I guess she's still busy with work."
"So you're alone there? Twenty-four seven? With no one in the house but you?" He said in disbelief. "Do you even remember to eat?"
"Sometimes." She admitted slowly, grimacing at the sound of the the other's tongue clicking in disappointment.
"Only you would forget that..." He paused to shift in his position as well.
"Give some respect, jeez. Who do you think handed you water bottles during practice? Show some appreciation." She said sarcastically.
"Oh no... How could I live without a lady manager!" The other voice played along. She swore she could hear his smirk on the other end. "How am I gonna have my sports drink without you?"
"Bummer." She added, feeling her eyelids get heavier. "Well then, thanks for the Karasuno stuff... I might just go this weekend for the semi-finals."
"Good night, Uneko-chan."
"I told you to stop calling me that." She deadpanned. With one last tug on the lamp, the lights turn off.
"Whatever. Goodnight, Kuroo."

Monochromatic: Haikyuu Fanfic
FanfictionYou see, love is not when you see someone as perfect - as ethereally beautiful. It's about accepting one's flaws, embracing them as much as you love the rest. It's about putting their own needs before you own. It's about canceling plans just to make...