Chapter 39: Extracting Information

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The next time Oikawa sees the kids are on White Day.

Admittedly, Fukui is quite glad now that Oikawa is aware of the situation in her home, because she could always need another pair of helping hands around the house. Especially since White Day is a busy day for floral boutiques, bustling with men rushing to buy the last minute gifts for their loved ones. An extension of shop hours is imposed, adding the restocking after the day to the mix, she should be home by around nine at night.

This was the plan: As soon as Fukui is released from school, she goes straight to work. Oikawa attends after-school volleyball practice, reaching home at around five and babysits the kids until she gets home. Piece of cake.

To Takumi and Haru's relief, the boy can cook. Oikawa seared the sausages unused from the omurice, even taking the time to slice up the tips to make squid-like shapes.

While they're eating, Oikawa asks the both of them, "...So what do you guys do for fun after this? Do you play videogames?"

Haru looks up at him and smiles cutely, a dimple dipping at his cheeks. "Well, we usually just watch TV! Taku-niichan has a 3DS that he plays sometimes, or I borrow it when he's working on his assignments."


"He's homeschooled, and he got papers from Sensei to work on them while we're here." he shifts his gaze to Takumi, "You're in third grade, right?"

Takumi nods without lifting his eyes off the food.

Rude, Oikawa thinks. But his mouth his mouth strained to a smile, "what do you think of watching a movie, then?"

Takumi finally looks up to Oikawa, his eyes glassed over like steel.

"You're not obligated to keep us entertained."

Ice cold.

"What time is Fukui-san coming home?" He asks, and Oikawa senses the hidden messages in his tone. His face totally screams 'when-are-you-leaving?' and Oikawa has never handled a more difficult child than him in his life.

"She told me she'll get home by nine," Oikawa spares a quick glance at the clock. Two more hours to go. "Usually, she gets home around this time if it's not a special holiday like White Day."

"I see..." Takumi trails off.

"Did you get any gifts for anyone, Oikawa-nii?" Haru asks curiously, and notices how Takumi's eyebrows twitched upwards ever-so-subtly in interest, though he did not lift his eyes off the food.

Oikawa waves his hands, light and dismissive. "Nope! I was going to buy Ume-chan some Giri chocolate as thanks from last month, but she insisted that my help right now is enough."

Way to set your standards low, idiot, Takumi scolds Fukui in his thoughts. He purses his lips before setting down his chopsticks.

"Did you get chocolate from a person you like?"

It's Oikawa's turn to be mildly surprised at his prodding question. Why would the little boy care? What evil plot is he planning now? He answers unsurely. "No, but I did get a lot of Honmei from others..."

"Well those others are useless," Takumi says cooly, "if you can't get the person you like to even give you Friendship chocolate."

"Hey, it's not my fault she goes to another school!" Oikawa defends, "Aya-chan could've been busy!"

So that's her name.

Takumi puts his little brother's bowl in a small stack and heads to the kitchen, lips curving to a small smile. Unlike Fukui, Oikawa's words come out impulsively, without much filter from what he thinks to what he says. Extracting information from him should be easy.

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