If you say Umeko Fukui to any student in Aobajousai, they would say:
"Who's that?"
Perhaps she was never the center of attention. Her cycle had always been as it follows: wake up, go to school, do homework like any good student, then go to sleep. She's not particularly a rebel, an athletic, nor a smart person... She's just... average. It makes her camoflage from the rest of the crowds, like a background character - she's of no importance.
Oikawa thought solving her would be an easy peasy puzzle. Well, he's not exactly wrong. Both of them never really knew that they go to the same school - Oikawa seemed more shocked at the fact that she didn't know, since he's a hot topic among many students. She never did pay attention to her surroundings either.
However, in the first few days of Oikawa noticing her presence in the hallways, he noticed the following:
1. Her eyes show boredom - half lidded and drowsy.
2. She would have a manga in her grasp, pressed against her chest.
3. If not a manga, a small black moleskine notebook with a pencil.She had always been invisible - yet it never particularly bothered her. She thought that if people really wanted to be her friend, they would approach her first.
And then, came Oikawa Tooru.
According to students, they've spotted him chatting casually up with that girl from time to time lately - and of course, it sparked a wildfire throughout the school. She thought at first to be a figment of her imagination, but she noticed that the hallways grow audibly more silent with nothing but low murmurs as she walked by on her way to lunch. It felt awkward, walking as if you can't hear the whispers around you.
"U-Um...!" A shaky voice came behind her. Fukui's shoulders tensed up in surprise, a bit startled to have someone actually approach her in school.
Slowly and unsurely, she turned around to see a girl - no taller than her shoulder. Her face was red and Fukui's initial thought at her expression was: whoa...! She looks just like she came out of a shoujo manga...!
She shook her head to rid of her thoughts.
"Yes...? Do you need something?" Fukui asked her politely.
"It's - It's about Oikawa-kun..." She fidgeted with nervousness laced in her tone. Her face was so, so red - and it just adds to it that she looked cute in appearance too. Her eyes were pleading, head tilted slightly for more effect. "I... I heard that you two are...dating? Is - Is that true?"
Fukui's mouth gaped at the girl's demeanor. She really is just like those mangas...! Immediately she shot her hands up in a defensive gesture and waved frantically. The smaller girl looked as if on the verge of bursting in tears, and it almost broke Fukui's heart to see her cry.
"Not at all...! Please don't think of it that way!" She reassured. How can she be able to convince her? She's read enough manga to know that 'just friends' is not enough of an excuse for most people. Her throat felt dry. All eyes are focused on her now, as well as the spectators in the hallways.
"I- uh - Oikawa and I are -"
"- Cousins of course!" She felt an arm drape around her shoulder. "Right, Ume-chan?"
The little girl squeaked in surprise at the sudden appearance of Oikawa. He wore that same signature smile as he leaned some of his weight playfully on the tall girl beside him. Fukui shrugged his arm off her shoulders with an unamused expression. However, once she faced the girl, she gave her a thumbs up and nodded her head with vigor. "Yep! Cousin! Oikawa is a cousin of mine."
Fukui sighed in relief when the small girl gave her an apologetic smile. "Ah! I get it now...! I'm sorry for thinking that -!"
"It's alright!" Oikawa reassured. "I hope you guys will get along with my cousin, okay? She just moved in from Tokyo and she's still getting used to here.
The girls cheeks were dusted with pink, eyes sparkling with admiration. "Of- Of course! I-I'll be in her care - I mean she'll be in my care!"
Fukui was floored. Did she just hear and see what she heard? Are those sparkles and flowers radiating from her aura? A clumsy shy type...! What a perfect character for a shoujo! How cute...
And that was just the first of the girls she met - she had more to see of what's in for her as Oikawa's 'cousin'. Perhaps school isn't such a bore anymore.

Monochromatic: Haikyuu Fanfic
FanfictionYou see, love is not when you see someone as perfect - as ethereally beautiful. It's about accepting one's flaws, embracing them as much as you love the rest. It's about putting their own needs before you own. It's about canceling plans just to make...