Its always the weirdest things that happen at night. More specifically, at three in the morning.
After the bedtime story shenanigans and the kids gone asleep, Oikawa and Fukui resumed their studying - reaching as far as twelve before the drowsiness sets in. Oikawa proposed the idea of using a radio to keep them awake, not too effective in the end as it plays a soft buzz of light music.
One good outcome of this is that Oikawa can sneak peeks over his book at Fukui - whose eyelashes keep fluttering shut before she opens them again. Not that he blamed her, he himself is quite drained as well. He leans his head on the table and lets his eyes close for a while for a quick break.
After a while, Fukui closes the book and yawns. She leans her head on her hand as she stared off at the wall.
"Wanna call it a day?" Oikawa asks, peeking up at her.
"Not yet." She says. "I was... I was just thinking.For a while now."
Oikawa props up and looks at her with waiting eyes. Her voice is obviously tired, yet so clear and musing.
" - that I wanna be a writer... A children's book writer and illustrator."
Oikawa smiles proudly and woozy with sleep, "I'm happy you that you finally found it, Ume-chan. I told you, I was right all along."
But then a thought pops into Oikawa's mind. "Do you think Todai University offers that career path?"
She shrugs, "It's a large school, I'm certain they do. The problem is if I get accepted - or not."
Oikawa dares ask the next question: "...And if they don't?"
Silence filled the room. While they both talked about their own futures often these these days, they never make plans to spend it together. By default, it was a silent agreement that since Iwaizumi will attend a different university, that means Fukui will stay with Oikawa.
Oikawa already has high chances of receiving an athletic scholarship from there. Fukui, on the other hand, has not-so-high chances of getting accepted - not to mention the rigor of the course she will take.
It's a choice to take - a path which Fukui knew where to go.
"This means goodbye, then."
Oikawa's heart cracked.
He masks his disappointment with a smile - mixtures of happiness for her sake but pain for his.
Fate, what a shitty thing it is.
Oikawa in the past would've complained about such thing - heck, he asked Ayame out because of the time pressure college has set upon him. But this... he would not dare make a peep. Fukui finally found her way out, and it fills Oikawa's chest with gladness. Whatever makes Fukui happy is enough for him.
How this all ends up - a battle between her happiness and his - ends a tragedy.
The air feels heavy, the night summer breeze completely still at three in the morning. No sound but the fading buzz of the radio. Both of them are on the edge of passing out.
Fukui gets up.
"I'm gonna go make some tea."
The radio whirrs lowly, and a new song plays waltzes in - a light piano along with the old static.
We walked by, stepping your shadow
On a hill was blurred in sunset sky,
When Fukui waits for the tea to brew, she dozes off. Mind drowning of numbers, futures, and filled with so much worry and a spoonful of fear. And she's too tense - enough that Oikawa can tell even from behind.
She's nervous.
Oikawa understands.
Time of such first love.
Fukui feels a weight lean on her back, and Oikawa slumps over to her tiredly. The room spins around him as he slurs, "...You're worrying too much, Ume-chan."
She frowns, turning around as she supports Oikawa with her hands. His eyelids flutter shut from time to time, but a sleepy smile adorns his features, as if to put her in ease.
Fukui raises an eyebrow, incredulous. "You can go sleep, you know."
"Don't wanna." Oikawa shakes his head stubbornly. His hands that gripped on Fukui's arms for support slides down to her hands. He lifts both up to her and laces it together. A perfect fit.
Then, he begins to sway them gently, following the low beat of the song. "Let's wake ourselves up."
Another wordless agreement.
Fukui didn't pull back her hands, only letting Oikawa sway them at first. He does most of the movements, shifting his weight back and fourth in beat, lazy and slow. Fukui tries to keep a steady expression as he closes in ever so slightly. Clumsy footing, knocking of arms and Oikawa's bubbly chuckles filled the dance. Fukui apologizes quietly with each time she steps on his foot.
The world seem to slow down at this time of the night. Everything still and silent except for them. Worries of their future wisps away in a momentary time. Worries of whether this is more than just friendship disappears.
All it matters is here and now.
Oikawa's hands feel warm despite the coldness of the room, and the blanket that draped over Fukui's shoulders feel like a royal cape - carefree as she followed Oikawa's movements. As giddy Oikawa feels, his heart flutters with each time Fukui spares him an apologetic look. He's so painfully in love. So painful yet so beautifully enchanting at the same time.
If the distance is so very dear
Than any dream in mind,
Shinier than any pearl or star.
Time of such first love
Funny, how people get when they're drowsy. Some get touchy, some get cuddly, some lines can be blurred - lines from friends to lovers. Your brain is swimming, like if one is drunk, but you are completely aware of your surroundings - just not enough energy to act upon it. And that includes what unravels between them now:
At the kitchen, slow dancing to some cheesy love song at three in the morning.
Will this be be the last time he will hold her hand? How far too cruel - now that he knows how it feels, how it sends him speechless - fate splits them apart?
He savored each step, each time that Fukui tightens her hold on his as if to send a plea of apology for her clumsiness.
It may be his last.
A dance that warms his heart and shrivels it up at the same time.

Monochromatic: Haikyuu Fanfic
FanfictionYou see, love is not when you see someone as perfect - as ethereally beautiful. It's about accepting one's flaws, embracing them as much as you love the rest. It's about putting their own needs before you own. It's about canceling plans just to make...