"You have some drool on your cheek."
Kenma says this without bothering to lift his head off his controller, calculating eyes focused on the game.
Everything seems to spin around Umeko. The tables are all slurring and the couch beneath her is too soft to be ignored. Her hair is wadded up and twisted into a large black nest. And her head - oh man- it feels like a heavy rock is tied around her head to pull her back into the pillow.
She wipes the drool off her cheek to expect something wet - but it's only the crusty dried type that flakes off. She groans, grimacing at just how groggy and utterly disgusting she feels.
Sparing Kenma a look, she says with a heavy, sleepy voice, "well good moring to you too, sunshine."
She rubs her eyes and looks around the living room, with no one present.
"Kuroo left for a morning jog." Kenma says simply. "He should be back soon."
"You didn't join him?"
Kenma shakes his head. So much for the volleyball training regime.
She knows that, for sure, Kenma wouldn't mind much if she can sleep for a couple more hours. The boy can keep himself entertained with that PSP of his for a really long time. Besides, her eyelids keep pulling themselves shut. The back of her eyes burn much like a wisp of a candle whenever she blinks.
It would be nice, she thinks, to get that dream again. To have her mom be so close to her it actually feels too real - everything was hazy and blurred except for her touch and her smile.
Fukui lays back down in the couch with a pining sigh.
"...There's a package for you by your head, you know." Kenma says.
"...Eh?" Fukui shifts to her side so that she is facing the short table, much like a nightstand a couple feet beside her. It still has a picture frame display, but there's a box placed precariously to the side. It is labeled as: to Fukui.
Her throat wells up, and she rubs the stubborn grits out of her eyes. Then does - does that must mean...?
"...It wasn't a dream." She whispers in awe.
Her touches are light when lifting the box softly to her lap. With gentle fingers she unfolds the cardboard flaps, and there is some shuffling of paper and wads of bubble wrap. And then...
Beneath the layers of wrap, a hand-sized black screen reflected on Fukui's sleepy face.
Oh no.
"A - A phone...?" She says, syllables coming out wobbly, filled pure shock and...worry? Frustration? Conern?
Even Kenma can't read her accurately in this state. Why would she be -?
He finally looks up to meet her eyes. It is glossed over - and angry tears streaks down, one by one. She wipes them away quickly.
"She - she didn't need to waste money on this - she didn't need to this for me, Kenma... I..." Her whispers are breathy and weak. Fukui stares down on her lap - down at her fists, white knuckled and straining with tiny blue branches of veins.
It hurts. Her throat burns.
Why does she have to give so much?
"H- How much do you think this costed her - how many hours - days - did you consider she had to give for this...? I - She could've used it up on herself, y'know?" She hiccups.
"She used it up on me - again - when I'm already fine with my old phone. She keeps giving and giving and giving...I'm so tired...Kenma - Kenma I don't need this..."
She takes a shaky breath, and Kenma's expression is still the same as always. Blank and unmoved.
"...Maybe - We can sell this back for a refund or something and give the money back to her. I- It would be better that way -"
"...Check your phone."
Fukui blinks her tears away.
Kenma repeats, slowly. "I said, check your phone."
Fukui lifts the phone like a glass vase, pliant fingers light. It is much sleeker, light pink in color, and the screen glows when she presses the unlock button. The first thing it opened to is the messages app. To her surprise, A text bubble from an added contact is there: Mom.
The message is fairly short, yet it brings Fukui so much tears.
I got a raise, so I bought myself a phone! Of course, I couldn't forget about you haven't I? I got a discount for buying two! It's much faster this way, and we get to hear each other if we want! But of course, this is not an excuse for you to stop sending me letters ;P
Sorry I wasn't able to talk to you at all, you looked too cute when you're asleep. I'll see you over the holidays, okay? I love you so much.
Fukui's shoulders lax. Her body collapses back on the couch with a dull thud.
She throws an arm over her eyes and pauses for a moment. This time she can feel the cool morning air whoosh in and out of her lungs - she didn't realize that she was breathing so heavily. Her ears that pounded loudly begins to subside to a low, slow beat. There is sweat beneath her palms, now loose after being tightly curled up. She feels limp, and her eyes stings at this point. Even so...
She laughs weakly to herself, dumbly saying, "...She got herself one too... Thank goodness..."
Kenma looks back down on his PSP, but his hands are not moving - and his player dies in a snap. Kenma didn't care.
"You... really need to stop beating yourself up for things you can't control."
Fukui's already fast asleep. Kenma sighs.

Monochromatic: Haikyuu Fanfic
أدب الهواةYou see, love is not when you see someone as perfect - as ethereally beautiful. It's about accepting one's flaws, embracing them as much as you love the rest. It's about putting their own needs before you own. It's about canceling plans just to make...