The eye bags has been deeper right beneath her bloodshot eyes. Class is a bit harder to concentrate on, with your homeroom teacher endlessly yapping about choices in college, it's a bit of a challenge to keep your eyes open. It feels as if a weight is tied around your forehead, pulling you down to sleep on the desk - it's cold and hard, but it should suffice.
Work at the boutique is mostly empty, it seems that the establishment is newly opened - it's only a couple weeks old. Other florists in the town usually lived more in the outskirts, quite far from where Oikawa lives.
Even so, with the emptiness provided the manager, Makino, some chance to provide some supplementary training for Fukui to get started. From arrangements, basic color swatches, tying ribbons into bows on boquets -how frequent the cactuses need water - these are all thing Fukui learned in the past few days of her training.
She has to admit, her manager is quite dedicated to plants - may it be succulents or flowering plants, she has an extended knowledge of it. She's young and quite inexperienced with business ownership, seeing as she just started out. That included that she doesn't seem to know how to properly space out the training hours.
It's quite fascinating ,plants, Fukui thinks, just a bit overwhelming when you're drowned with so many things at one go.
It doesn't help either that she's going to have cleaning duty after school for the rest of the school year - all by herself.
Usually cleaning duties are assigned in pairs, and most of the time, she just ditches it if the person whom she's paired up with doesn't feel like cleaning either.
However, it's not penalty of skipping that caused her to have so many jobs stacked upon her. Of course not.
In fact, she volunteered.
"What? You want to be stuck on cleaning duty until you graduate? Are you out of your mind?"
The boy says. The class president posses a cynical nature. He wears rimless glases that flashes with confusion, eyebrows furrowing at the girl. His lips form a tight frown, as if conteplating and analyzing every move she makes. Calculating eyes are a shade of light gray, staring intently at her.
"-And if you don't assign anyone to clean with me, that would be great." Fukui says.
"Do you not like working with Shizuka-san last time?" He asks.
"Oh no! It's not her." Fukui reassures, "She didn't do anything. It's just much easier to get it done by myself - less of a hassle that way."
This is definitely not like her, the class rep thinks. It's not that he knew Oikawa's 'cousin' well - in fact, that's all the hard fact he knew. He hated Oikawa - rather, he is quite envious of his leadership skills. Of course, his hatred for Oikawa Tooru seeps into Fukui as well. The girl drowses off in her corner at class - sometimes she gets called out and she manages to sputter out the correct answer miraculously. Overall, she's a well-liked, respectable student among her peers.
She's a happy-go-lucky easy-peasy light hearted person, just like Tooru.
The class rep dislikes both of them.
But even so, this act of odd surge of selflessness spiked some suspicion to him. He sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose before he reluctantly answers.
"I don't know what's gotten into you, Fukui-san, but you better do your job properly if you volunteered to do this."
Fukui grins brightly. "Thanks! I'll do my best!"
There is something odd about Fukui's smile that made his face feel warm in a way. He brushes it off shortly.
Fukui waves a goodbye and goes back to her desk, slumps her body and instantly falls into a deep sleep. It's quite impressive - it's always loud in the mornings before the teacher comes. Yet she manages to drift off into a paradise.

Monochromatic: Haikyuu Fanfic
FanfictionYou see, love is not when you see someone as perfect - as ethereally beautiful. It's about accepting one's flaws, embracing them as much as you love the rest. It's about putting their own needs before you own. It's about canceling plans just to make...