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It was Saturday and Jungkook did like waking up late. He would lay in bed all morning even though he had assignments to do. But today, he decided he would just hang out with all of his friends excepted Jimin he reminded himself. He sighed as Jimin still was the first person he thought about each day. He stretched and with eyes half opened, took his phone on the nightstand to see how long he had slept. He sat up suddenly eyes now wide open. He could not believe his eyes. He felt like he was still dreaming.

After some time just looking at the unexpected funny nickname on the Lock Screen of his phone, he unlocked it.

Jungkook ?

Can we talk ?

Jungkook typed and erased it instantly then typed again but sighed frustratedly of how stupid he was being at the moment. For fuck sake it was just Jimin he thought. But yes it was Jimin and that was the reason of such nervousness. He just had to say 'okay' but after so long not speaking to each other a simple okay would not be appropriate. But he did not want to appear too excited. For whatever reason he wanted to look cool. He gave up his idea of not being eager and sent his texts.

Of course !

When and where?


He was not ready. When Jimin answered his texts, he couldn't imagine they would meet so quickly and at this instant he just couldn't stay still as he paced in the big living room. What did Jimin want to talk about ? Would he be sad ? Mad ? Maybe he wanted to put a stop to their friendship officially. Fuck, Jungkook did not want to think about that.

Wait do I look good ?

Jungkook walked towards the big mirror at the entrance, styled his hair a little and suddenly realized what he was doing. Oh my god it's just Jimin. Stop being so ridiculous.

Oh my god Jimin is coming. What am I-

His thoughts were brutally cut as he heard the doorbell. After a mini heart attack, he breathed heavily with a hand on the doorknob frozen on his spot. He didn't know how long he stayed like that but a sudden knock startled him and finally opened the door revealing a rather nervous Jimin. 

"You really came", he stated out loud which received a breathy chuckled from the smaller still outside.

"Can I ?", Jimin asked and finally Jungkook moved aside with an awkward "oh yes sorry come in !"

After closing the front door, they could both feel the tension in the room and it made it hard to breathe.

"Hmm do you want something to drink or eat ? I cooked bibimbap but I think I cooked the rice too long so it's not the best one I did but still If you want some-"

"It's okay Jungkook I already ate before coming", he smiled lips forming a line still nervous.

"Okay. Hmm", he met Jimin's gaze and sighed "we look stupid don't we ?", they both chuckled at the question.

"We could sit on the couch first so it won't be too awkward", the smaller said laughing a little as they both stood swaying on their feet.

"Yeah you're right. Let's sit".

Unlike Jimin thought, it still felt awkward sitting on the couch even more with the large space between them.

STRAIGHT / JIKOOK Where stories live. Discover now