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Three weeks already passed after Jimin's accident. Laying down on his bed, Jungkook remembered vividly this time where Mia found him crying and also kissing her forehead's boyfriend. It was really awkward and Jungkook had left the hospital to let her with him.

He couldn't stop thinking about him and couldn't help but be more scared as the time flew. Because of all of this, he missed a lot of his classes. He didn't care though but not his parents. They obviously knew how hard it was for him to just act as if nothing was wrong. They knew each other since they were three years old.

Jungkook's mom tried really hard to be a moral support. She knew what her son was going through. In fact, Jimin's mom was her best friend. They were always together, laughing about the stupidest shits. But when she died, her whole world fell appart. Jimin was the only one that made her best friend alive. In her son, she saw her. That is one of the reasons Yuna considered Jimin as her second son. So, of course she knew what pain Jungkook felt. However, she hopped that Jimin's case will end differently than his mom.

It was a Saturday morning when the phone rang.

"Hello ?" Yuna answered with the phone put in a strange angle as she washed dishes.

"Hello Mrs Jeon ?" A woman asked.

"Yes it's me".

"Perfect. Well, I'm a part of the medical staff at the Asan Medical Center and we have some good news. Park Jimin woke up", she finally said.

"Oh my God", Yuna immediately dropped the plate she was cleaning and took the phone in her right wet hand. "Oh my God. Oh my God", she repeated several times, "Really ? Can we see him ? Is he okay ? Does he need-", she continued without stopping.

"Don't worry he's okay now. He's breathing really well. And of course, you can come see him whenever you want. Oh ! We also tried to contact the father but he never replied. So, if you can contact him to tell him his son woke up, then it'll be great".

"Oh yeah of course. Um I will", the truth is that since Jimin's mother died, they lost contact with him. He changed a lot and started avoiding them so it was naturally that they stopped talking. "Thank you so much, really. We'll come right now", Yuna was already putting her coat when they both hang up.

Jungkook was playing at overwatch when he heard a loud banging on his locked door. Annoyed, he didn't respond neither got up.

"Jungkook ! Jimin woke up !" She exclaimed breathless.

Jungkook broke his neck as he turned his head with wided eyes towards the door. He quickly got up and ran to unlock the door. "What ?"

"He woke up. Jimin woke up", Yuna smiled with tears threatening to fall.


A door. Just a door separated him from his best friend, the one he thought never seeing again. The doctor warned them about his still fragile state. He was now out of any danger but it didn't mean Jimin was not tired. Rest from school and any outgoing things will be the key of his recovery.

Jungkook did not waste any more time and opened the door quickly. He promised himself earlier to not cry but as his eyes met Jimin's, tears began to flow. He sobbed as he approached the thinner pale body. Half lidded eyes were looking up at him with a tired smile but it was still a smile Jungkook missed so much. The taller, now half lay down on him, buried his head in his neck.

"Arghh, you're still heavy as fuck", Jimin still found the time to joke but still with a little voice tired from the long 'sleep'. He chuckled at his best friend being clingy but his smile faltered hearing him still sobbing. "Hey...I'm here now", he patted his head softly.

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