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It was the first night they will sleep in the same bed since their fight. And weirdly, they weren't nervous. As much as their friendship had changed in the past few months, they still felt like them. It would be lying to say that they have always been like that. No. They both went through a lot of steps in their friendship. Yes, Jungkook and Jimin knew something was different now but they did not know that the other felt exactly the same. So they were still the best of friends with even much more touching from both sides. Even Jimin seemed to be more touchy and Jungkook would be lying if he said he did not like it.

Jungkook closed his bedroom door after a long evening with their friends. Jimin had already brushed his teeth and got under the comforter.

The smaller gazed at his taller friend who was undressing without shame as if he knew he was looked at and wanted to put on a show. Shirtless, he turned around facing the bed and poked his cheek with his tongue as he smirked. He raised his eyes while keeping his head low. Their eyes met and surely in the past, Jimin would have looked away but as for now he just stared and smiled.

"Who's gonna be the next lucky girl ?" Jimin still laying down asked suddenly.

The taller was surprised at first but then decided to play a little bit. He titled his head and frowned faking deep thoughts before looking back in the smaller's eyes. "Hmm I don't know. Would you mind enlightening me ?" He teased.

"Oh i don't think I'd be much help".

"I'm sure you could but...do you want to ?" Jungkook bit his bottom lip.

"To help you getting laid ?" Jimin paused, "or to help you finding love ?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Can i have both ?"

"Maybe. Don't know yet. If you're nice", Jimin smirked.

"Okay I'll be nice then", he smirked back.

They just knew what game they were playing and all the hidden messages behind it. But they wanted to play a little more.


"We're done".

But Jimin had to play fair.

"What ?!" Mia raised her voice unconsciously at her boyfriend. Well, ex boyfriend. She took multiple steps and tried to put her arms around Jimin neck but failed as he caught her wrists. "Baby. You love me. And I love you. We're made for each other", she tried with a mellow voice.

Jimin sighed. "It's not fair for you because I'm just not in love with you anymore Mia".

"Hahaha please Jimin stop joking you're so funny", she laughed, "where are the cameras ?" She looked around not wanting to accept that she was being dumped. As one of the most popular girls in school, it was just not acceptable. "Jimin we're THE couple. Everyone are jealous of us I mean look at us. We fit like- like- you know we just fit", she failed to find a comparaison but hey they just fit.

"Mia you're just using us to make you more popular like that's not I want. I don't give a fuck about popularity. These people in school, you won't see them after for the majority. What are you expecting seriously ? I just want to live my life with my friends and study in a big university with them enjoying life. That's all".

"Oh ! But we could enjoy life together and go study abroad. Like Paris ! Yes ! We should go there. The city of love. That's so romantic. You could study in that university I forgot the name about-"

"What did you just say ?" Jimin frowned mouth opened because of the shocking revelation.

"What ? I-"

"You said Paris", he stated firmly "you fucking said Paris !", he repeated louder.

"So ? I could've just said Berlin ? I thought you liked Paris ?", Mia started getting anxious because she knew she said too much.

"You mentioned the university in Paris where I applied a long time ago ! What the fuck Mia ?! So that was true ?! You're the one who's sent the fucking form ?! I can't believe you. Why ?", the neighborhood could hear them for sure now.

"What are you talking about oh my got stop shouting ! You've talked about this before. The Paris thing !" She yelled back, "get out of your imagination !"

"No I fucking didn't ! I didn't even told Jungkook what the fuck are you talking about ?!"

They were shouting at each other, both with blood pressure in their head. 'They just fit'.

"Oh ! Jungkook again ! And Jungkook here and Jungkook there ! And Blah ! Blah ! Blah ! Tell me the truth. You fucked huh ? I'm sure you did because you're both so disgusting. That's not right you know that's a fucking sin !", she said disgusted.

"I can't believe I didn't see how much of a bitch you are. But yeah we're done. I should have done it a long time ago. But I'm done being a coward. Bye", and with that, he turned around to leave his ex girlfriend's house.

"You'll regret it ! Ha ! You'll regret it so much you'll come crawling at my feet for me to take you back. But you know what ?! I won't you fucking fa-".

Jimin slammed the front door of the house and sighed. Finally. They did not fit at all.


Jungkook hid behind the fancy couch to freak out his sister but before doing it he caught Luna giggling. But giggling in a cute way. He asked himself if someone did not kidnapped his evil of a sister and in exchange got an angel. But no. It was definitely her. Two people could not have the same castor face.

He raised his head a little and after reading the name on the screen, he just understood. It was her best friend, Jennie. After releasing a little unconscious 'oh', her sister jumped off the couch and screamed.

"What the hell ?! You scared me !", she yelled breathing loudly.

"Well you scared yourself there castor face. I just said 'oooooh'", he exaggerated it.

"Yeah ? And why this 'ooooooh ?'", she imitated her brother sarcastically.

"Well it's just that you seem to like your friend Jennie a lot by the way you're giggling like an idiot when you read her texts", Jungkook leaned on the back of the couch.

"What ?", with rosy cheeks, she mumbled "what are you talking about ? That's just my friend and oh ! you're the one to talk ! You're in love with Jimin since an eternity but you had a girlfriend. Please you can't find even more ridiculous", she said defensively.

"You just admitted it", he smiled softly.

"What ? No I didn't", shaking her head confused, she stared back at the taller who was grinning. She pointed towards him with her finger "oh my god ! You didn't even deny being in love with Jimin !"

She was shocked but at the same time not really. Her mouth was wide open anyway. Jungkook just shrugged still smiling which made Luna even more excited. "Oh my goooood I have to tell him !", she jumped on her spot.

"What ?", hearing that, Jungkook straightened up and he continued nervously "Luna I swear on your castor face that if you talk to him, you won't belong to this world anymore", he was now the one pointing at her. But his threats seemed to make the little girl even more excited. She started running around the couch when she noticed her brother trying to catch her.

They turned around the sofa without stopping while Luna was shouting repeatedly "Jungkook is in love with Jimin ! Jungkook is in love with Jimin ! Jungkook is in love with-"

And that's when the front door slid open.

"Oh Jimin", the little girl stopped suddenly.


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