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After a quick talk with his parents, Jungkook convinced them pretty fast. Jimin was now living with the Jeon. Well more with Luna and Jungkook as their parents travelled outside of the country a lot. Jimin has always been a part of the family anyway so it shouldn't be hard. He knew every corner of his best friend's house because when they were kids they would play hide and seek.

"Welcome hooooome" Jungkook sang and raised his opened arms in a dramatic way making his friend laugh.

"Wow such a good hospitality", Jimin teased him but still smiled fondly.

"Wait ! Let me carry your luggage", the taller jumped forward and grabbed the big black luggage from Jimin's hands. "What the F- what did you put in there ? Are you hiding someone inside or what ? Why is it so heavy ?"

"I thought you were a muscle pig. So I was wrong this entire time. Such a disappointment", Jimin mocked and received a little slap on his chest from the other.

"Excuse you ! Say that one more time and you're sleeping on the floor", he threatened with fake madness.

"Oh please you'll never do that, you love me too much"

"Yeah maybe", Jungkook stated without hesitation.

They looked at each other with little fond smiles in silence.

"Sorry am i interrupting ?" Luna chuckled amused by the sight of the two boys being caught looking at each other in such a gentle way.

"Yah ! You scared me you little rat", Jungkook avoided the question from his sister and went towards the stairs with the heavy luggage. Jimin followed him after sticking out his tongue at Luna who sent a smirk in return.

Jungkook finally opened the door and entered his bedroom panting slightly.

"So ! As always I take the right side and you take the left one", the taller pointed towards his bed.

"What do you mean ? I'm the guest which means I'm choosing the side where I'm sleeping"

"Oh come on Min ! You've never slept on the right side of the bed and you know it", he sighed.

"What ? Maybe I want a little bit of change", the smaller retorted stubborn.

"Okay then. Which side are you choosing ?", he raised his eyebrows curiously.

Jimin glanced quickly towards the twin size bed before glancing back to his friend who now was crossing his arms in front of his chest waiting for an answer. The smaller jumped suddenly on the bed on his stomach and then rolled back and forth on the black soft sheets. On his back, he jumped a little analyzing first the left side, the one he slept on normally. Then he rolled on the right side where Jungkook slept usually. Jungkook was still watching the little scene in silence as Jimin rolled back on the left side. The smaller finally broke the silence.

"Nevermind i keep the left side"

"Oh my God Jimin I'm gonna kill you", he laughed loudly and joined his friend who is also laughing on the bed. He began tickling the smaller on his tummy and then his armpits making the other screamed.

"Jung- J- oh my- fuck- Jungkook pe-please stop !", he begged already crying. He tried moving but the weight on his body prevented him from it.

"Please who ? I think I didn't hear you say it Hmm ?", he continued tickling his best friend laughing at the sight.

"Fuck you ! I-I'm not say-saying it", at this, Jungkook only tickled faster and more. "Okay okay oh my god okay the most beautiful human ever ! Such a muscled man. Perfect perfect Jungkookie", he yelled with tears rolling down his cheeks.

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