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All the group woke up by the natural light at 1pm. They cooked together except Jungkook who still hadn't come down. Everyone was talking loudly enjoying each moment together. But Jin noticed how Jimin was silent which was weird considering he was one of the loudest beside Taehyung and Hoseok of course.

"Jimin ?" The oldest asked raising his head from the vegetables he was cutting. He waited for a reaction but Jimin just looked in the space with an empty look. "Jimin", he repeated louder finally breaking the trance the smaller was in.

"Mmh ?"

"Are you okay ? You seem absent", he raised his eyebrows.

"What ? No. I'm just tired I guess", the smaller pressed his lips together.

"Oh yeah I didn't see you go to bed last night. I hope you didn't stay up late. Also, you disappeared after you went drinking in the kitchen", Jin continued worried.

"Ah yeah I called Mia. I missed her", he faked a smile which did not convince the older one but nodded anyway.

"Hey", Jimin did not need to turn back to know who owned that hoarse voice. He remained frozen on his seat around the kitchen island before faking disinterest. Unlike him, everyone cheered as if a star came in. However, he noticed that he was not the only one acting as if nothing had happened yesterday. They just avoided each other. He realized only at that moment that maybe they ruined their friendship.


Jungkook closed the front door after waving goodbye to all the boys. His smile fell when he realized that they were now alone as Jennie and Luna left the house earlier to go shopping. 

Biting his bottom lip, he walked nervously toward the couch where Jimin was silently watching the tv.

He sat letting a big space between them. They could both feel the tension, the awkward atmosphere surrounding them which made everything more difficult.

"So...", Jungkook started awkwardly not looking at the smaller.

"We don't have to talk about it", Jimin said coldly to protect himself from the situation they were in. Jungkook jumped at the cold tone remembering the old Jimin, the one he saved from his father, the one who had sold drugs. He hated this Jimin because he was so unhappy back then.

"Yes we gonna talk about it. And right now", he retorted now confidently.

"It was a mistake", the other said still looking at the tv.

Ouch. Jungkook knew it was a mistake. Actually, he was going to say the exact same thing but weirdly hearing it from the other in such a cold tone, it hurt.

"I...I agree. We shouldn't have done that and I wanted to apologize because I'm the one who...um...the one who started it. I have a girlfriend. You have a girlfriend. Cheating is something I hate and I feel like we did-"

"We didn't cheat Jungkook stop. We can't cheat when we didn't like it, when it was just a stupid mistake", the older stood up not sparing a glance at his best friend.

"Where are you going ?", the taller also stood from the couch to follow Jimin.

"Go see my girlfriend", he glared one last time before stepping out of the cold house.

Jungkook stood frozen looking at the front door sadly. He was losing his best friend. His best friend had put back his shell and he was afraid of being unable to break it again.

(Short smut with a female🔞 important for the plot)

Jimin thrusted his cock strongly in the girl's clit making her scream his name loudly. He had never been so hard on her before but he was so frustrated, so angry and he did not know why. Well he knew it was because of Jungkook and their kiss.

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