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After three weeks at the hospital, Jimin finally received the agreement from the doctor that he could go back home. He was actually really nervous of coming back home. He has not received any more calls from his dad since the one he did not answer. He felt nervous of seeing him again after all this time being far away. Jimin refused kindly Jungkook's parents help and came back alone.

It was Monday. But the day did not matter as Jimin's dad, Park Ja, was always home being unemployed since his wife's death.

Jimin entered the silent house. Too silent house. He took off his coat and shoes and went towards the stairs quietly. But it was not enough.

"Oh so you're back" Ja's cold voice echoed from the kitchen. "No calls. No texts to inform your dad about coming back home today. Who the fuck do you think you are ?!" He yelled aggressively.

"Dad I think we should talk when you'll be sober", Jimin said calmly before trying to go upstairs. As he turned around a firm hand grabbed his shoulder and he was now pined to the wall. "Dad-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP !" He spat angrily. "Me being drunk has nothing to do with your shitty attitude. You're always acting dumb. What did you do to be at the hospital huh ?? Is it because of Jungkook ?? You're always together when shits happen. Last time was not enough ?! You need me to punch you harder ?!" Ja shouted as he choked his son.

"Jungkook has nothing to do with it", Jimin whispered breathless.

"Protecting him again ?! I didn't raise a fag !"

"So what if I am", Jimin declared.

The punch was hard and sudden. As soon as he said that, he knew he hit a nerve. The tight hold against his neck stopped and he fell to the ground. Finally catching his breath, he felt the right side of his face burning.

Home did not feel like home since a long time.


After so long, Jimin went back to school with sunglasses and a hood over a black cap to hide his swollen black eye. He walked in the main corridor of the school and saw his best friends at the end of it. He did not even have time to greet his friends when Taehyung ran to him and threw himself over Jimin. Legs around his waist and arms around his neck, he looked like a koala over his tree.

"Yeeeeeah ! Finally the gang is back !" He screamed in his friend's ear.

"Wow ! I knew you missed me but dude you just blew my eardrum" Jimin put him down and greeted his other friends with a 'hey assholes'.

"I was about to say maybe I missed you but fuck off I guess", Yoongi said making everyone laugh.

"Maybe you missed me ? What kind of level of missing is that ?" Jimin chuckled as he leaned on a locker.

"What's the outfit for ? You look like a rockstar trying to avoid paparazzis" Namjoon joked.

"Well yeah I told you one of us would be a star. I guess I'm the chosen one", Jimin licked his lips cockily.

Maybe everyone ate Jimin's lies but it was not the case of Jungkook. He knew him too well. Maybe he was too protective but he had to know the truth and this time all of it. He grabbed his best friend's arm and went out in the school backyard.

"Cut the bullshit Jimin", he spoke quickly. "Behind your glasses, you hide something right ?"

"Why do you always want me to hide thin-"

The taller quickly removed Jimin's hood then his cap and finally his glasses. He scoffed.

"Maybe because you always hide things from me", Jungkook sighed sadly glancing at Jimin's swollen eye.

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