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Taehyung stirred in his sleep. Loud banging echoed in his head as he dreamt. The noises were gradually coming louder. He turned around, legs tangled in the grey sheets, grabbed a pillow and put it on his head trying to muffled the noises. Wait. It was not a dream. And he was now wild awake.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

He sat up and frowned as he glanced at the alarm clock. 2 am.

"What the fuck ?", he mumbled as he finally stepped out of the warm bed.

The way to the door was rather quick. Still sleepy and confused, the young man opened the door slightly and the sight before him awoke him right away.

"Jimin !"

One of his best friends, one of the most important person in his life covered in dry blood.

"I didn't know where to go...", the shaking figure whispered brokenly.

"Come inside ! You must be so cold. Oh my God Jimin what - what happened ?" , he hurriedly grabbed his shaken friend and embraced him in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm-".

"What are you apologizing for Jimin ?" The taller cut him pulling away enough to make eye contact. The last time he saw Jimin crying this much was when his mother died. Usually, he never cried. He always acted strong and very masculine trying to mute his emotions. Jimin was the kind to think that crying was being weak.

"I'm a failure. I'm a disappointment for everyone even for my-".

"Hey hey Don't say that. You're not a disappointment. Not at all. Never. You're the strongest person I have ever known. I'm so proud to be your friend".

Hearing all of this, Jimin started sobbing. He thought he was the lucky one to be friend with him and not otherwise.

"Come here, Let's sit" the taller grabbed gently his friend's hand and sat on the cheap couch. "Wait a second I'll be back".

After a few minutes, he came back with a glass of water and a kit aid. He pushed the glass to his friend's lips carefully avoiding the split lip. After gulping some water, Jimin pulled away slightly. No words were exchanged for a moment. In silence, Taehyung started cleaning the wounds. Jimin winced as the product touched his split lip.

"Sorry", the taller whispered.

The taller could not longer bear the silence and asked the question the two avoided.

"Jimin...what happened ? Is it related to your accident ?"

"Hmm...kind of ? I don't know not really. I...Tae you said you're were proud of being my friend but you shouldn't".

"Why ? Tell me. You know I'm not the one to judge. I'm not like that. Trust me yeah ?" He softly said.

"Yeah okay...hmm how do I start ?"

After 20 minutes, he was finally done. He told him everything. The fact that he sold drugs for a long time. That his accident was actually not an accident. The fact that he tried to quit selling drugs and in return got beaten up. And finally, his abusive father.

He recounted the last fight. How he came back from a tiring day ready to take a shower and sleep but how it never happened. As he opened the door of his house, he met the furious eyes of his father. They yelled as usual. Park Ja was drunk as usual. He hit Jimin as usual but this time with a weapon. The bottle of vodka shattered into piece as it made contact with Jimin's head. With a blurry vision, he left running in the streets of Seoul. He ran ran and ran not knowing where to go. The first person he thought about was Jungkook of course. But he remembered what he told him. He was right about his father but he did not listen to him. Also, he couldn't bear worrying him again. He knew how much Jungkook worried recently and how stressful it was for him. So he stayed several hours in a park where his blood dried.

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