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Jungkook and Jimin were cooking with music on a Saturday. It had been a month now since they confessed so they decided to celebrate in their own way. Before being boyfriends they were best friends and simple things were enough for them.

The smaller hummed to the music while cutting the vegetables before putting them in a pot. As for Jungkook, he helped with the meat. He was lost in his thoughts and his boyfriend noticed it. Lately, the taller had been kind of distant and it worried him.

"Jungkook ?"

No answer.

Jimin decided to stop the music.

"Jungkook ?"

Still no answer.

"Jungkook !" He repeated louder.

The latter startled a little before finally looking at the smaller who was frowning.

"Oh sorry what did you say ?"

"Are you okay ?", Jimin asked worried. He had stopped cutting vegetables and had all his attention on the other.

"Yeah of course. Why won't I ?", he said nonchalant avoiding the worried stares.

"Come on Jungkook don't lie to me I can see there's something. It's not the first time I've seen you acting weird actually. So please be honest with me".

Jungkook sighed defeated. He knew he had to be honest and tell what was bothering him but he was scared of Jimin's reaction.

"It's just- I'm just being dumb I swear it's okay".

"No you're not. Please I'm not going to judge you. I've seen you shit your pants when we were baby".

"Ah don't say that", the taller chuckled. Jimin knew how to make him laugh and he desperately needed it right now.

The smaller took a step closer and grabbed Jungkook's hand softly before caressing it with his thumb. The touch made him relax instantly.

"It's just since Taehyung talked about umm you know...", he shook his free hand in the air embarrassed to say the forbidden word.

"About what ?", he frowned confused before remembering the last conversation at the cafeteria with all his friends. His mouth turned into a 'o' shape at the revelation.

"Fuck this is so embarrassing please forget about it", Jungkook pulled back his hand from his boyfriend's hold and groaned at the awkward situation. He was so embarrassed because now Jimin knew that since Taehyung had mentioned sex, Jungkook was thinking about it nonstop.

"Hey Jungkook it's okay don't be embarrassed. It's okay really. I just want to know. Is that why you've been distant these past few weeks ?"

"I- I'm so sorry I didn't know it was that obvious but- how do I say that ?", he bit his bottom lip nervously, "I'm scared that if I keep being touchy with you I won't be able to control myself", he finally admitted quickly.

"Oh is that so ?", Jimin smirked.

"Yeah", the taller breathed out. He saw how his boyfriend was staring at him and he started feeling hot.

Jimin did not wait long before wrapping his arms around the taller's neck. Unconsciously, the latter placed his own around Jimin's tiny waist.

They breathed against each other's wet lips while looking deeply in their eyes. Forgetting about the cooking, the taller crashed his mouth against the other's plump one. Jimin instantly kissed back and pushed his hands in his boyfriend's slightly curly hair before pulling it a little. He took advantage of Jungkook moaning to push his tongue inside. Their wet muscles met in a languid kiss. In response, the taller cupped his boyfriend's cheeks with his hands and sucked on his tongue slowly. They felt hornier with every passing second, every loving touches and all the moans they could hear from the other side.

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