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Castor sister 🦫



I just left home And i won't be back
Before tomorrow

I wanted to tell u face to face but
You were pretty cozy sleeping with Jimin
so I'm just texting u

Kokonut 🥥

Shut up.

Where r u even going ?¿

Castor sister 🦫

Wow what did u do last night
To get up so late 😏

Kokonut 🥥

Nothing you castor
I'm not like u sleeping at 8pm

And don't avoid the question
you're under my responsibility

Castor face 🦫

Bitch where ?

I'm not telling u

Kokonut 🥥

Went to see ur girl ?😏
*cough* Jennie *cough*

Castor face 🦫

Bye !

Kokonut 🥥

Have fun !!🤩


Jungkook and Jimin were both excited as they invited all the guys to come for the night. As usual, they were all gathered around games with a lot of food but this time was actually pretty different. No alcohol, no drug or everything you could find in the student parties. They did not need that to have fun and the noise in Jungkook's house could actually prove it.

"What ?! You really broke up with her ?" Taehyung yelled as if Jimin had grown two heads.

"Yeah I did. Why are you even screaming for ? You didn't even like her", Jimin answered laughing at his friend's stupid face.

"Yeah I actually hate her", his nonchalant comment made everyone laugh. "I'm just surprised you finally did".

"What are you even talking about ? And why are you so shocked when you didn't even budge about Jungkook breaking up with Vanessa ?", he frowned seriously wondering what the fuss were all about.

"Hey why are you putting me in-"

Jungkook did not have time to talk as Hoseok started giving his point of view "well we knew Jungkook was not in love with Vanessa but you I don't know...you seemed to be umm how do I say that...manipulated ?"

"Yeah it felt like you were forcing yourself to love her ?" Namjoon joined.

"Oh well I never thought about it but maybe you're right. I mean she lied about a lot of things so you must be right. That's crazy because it was so easy to break up with her. Like I thought I would be sad because we were in a relationship for a long time but I'm happier. It's the happiest I've ever been and I feel so grateful".

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