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After Jimin's birthday party, everyone had gone back to their house. This party was a mix of emotions that Jungkook had never felt. He wanted to forget. So he convinced himself for the rest of the weekend that he only drank and smoked too much cannabis. Monday, he would go to high school as if he hadn't done anything. Anyway, nothing happened right ?


Monday arrived far too early for all the teenagers who were present at Jungkook's party. Many skipped classes in order to prolong their rest time.

The day began like all classical days. Indeed, tired faces of teenagers looked like zombies crawling in corridors to find their classroom. This was also the state of Luna, Jungkook's sister, who had not slept much at her friend Jennie's because of their night talk. She walked through the almost empty cold hallway on the first floor of the building carrying a heavy backpack on her shoulder. Suddenly, she felt a pressure pulling her and throwing her on the hard ground and dirtied by the repeated back and forth of students. Her back against the floor, three menacing faces approached her face. Three girls from her class. They were taller than Luna and looked older. However, they were all the same age. Luna seemed just more fragile because of her small corpulence. One of them lifted her up firmly and took her bag. After opening it, she spilled the contents on the floor. Another held Luna's arms behind her back to immobilize her. Finally, the last one who seemed to be the ordering girl, crouched down to the helpless little girl and laughed at the sight of hot tears running down her face.

"You missed us, huh?", She held Luna's chin so that she looked into her eyes, "did you lost your tongue," the three girls laughed.
"We know everything. And we know about your little party with your 'friend'," she put the word "friend" in parentheses by gesturing with her fingers. "What's her name ? Jinnie ? Jennie ? whatever, she told us your little secret," she smiled viciously and continued, "Do you like that ? Do you like pussies ? This is disgusting sweetie. It's bad, it's not okay. Your parents never told you that it's unnatural ? Oh shit, I forgot they were never there. But now I understand why. They're just ashamed of you. They don't want you, a fucking lesbian", Luna breathed louder and faster and tears flowed more and more, "you're like your fucking brother, he's a fag and you-"

"Don't talk about him like that," Luna burst into tears.

"What ? you didn't know ? he did some disgusting things. He did a striptease to his 'best friend' and it was filmed. You're both the same...disgusting faggots. Now you're warned, if you do something that I don't like or if you do dare to cut me off again, I'll go see your parents and I'll talk a lot, too much for your well being". She finally let go of Luna's chin and got up. The three silhouettes left her on the ground after kicking the open bag.


At lunch break, the group of friends were chatting around their bad sandwich as usual. But a new habit had been installed for more than a week : Jimin's absence.

"What do you call a alligator in a vest?", Seokjin asked excitedly. Everyone around the table stared at him silently, "an in-vest-igator," he laughed alone, tapping both hands with excitement on the table. "What kind of tea is hard to swallow ?" He continued.

"Can you-", Jungkook interrupted him.

"REALITY", the older squeezed his eyes shut while laughing, "reali-tea, did you understand ?"

"Yeah we understood, don't need to-" Namjoon tried to stop him.

"Hey, did you hear about the Italian chef who died?" He paused, "He's pasta-way ! PASTA-WAY !!", Seokjin was ready to tell a new joke when suddenly Yoongi tapped his head with a notebook.

"Shut up," Yoongi said after typing. Jungkook, Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung laughed at the scene in front of them.

"Anyway ... you know where is Jimin ?", Taehyung asked, "Jungkook?", After hearing his name, Jungkook raised his head and looked at Taehyung with a frown.

"Why me ? Why should I know where he is?" The youngest asked offensively.

Actually, since the party, Jungkook was getting mad easily. He just didn't want to talk and especially to talk about Jimin. It reminds him of what happened.

"Wow calm down, it's just a question. Usually you know where he is, that's why I'm asking you," Taehyung said with wide eyes surprised by the aggressive tone of the younger.

"Yeah, well ... you see I'm not with him so I don't know where he is and I don't know what he's doing," Jungkook continued on the same tone.

"You fucking need to get laid today" Taehyung said annoyed.

"Oh for fuck's sake. I'm out of here," Jungkook took his bag quickly and left the group of friends who looked at him in confusion.

"What happens to him today?" Taehyung turned still annoyed to Namjoon hoping he knew something.

"Don't look at me like that, I have no idea, it's true that he's weird ... Anyway, when he's like that it's better to leave him alone," Namjoon sighed loudly.


"You know what's called a fake noodle?"


Jimin walked alone through the empty, narrow streets of Seoul under a threatening sky wearing a big black sports bag. The neighborhood seemed uncrowded, empty of civilization and very dilapidated. He walked with a decided and confident step towards a large old building whose windows were broken and exterior walls soiled by heavy summer rains. Dressed all in black as if he wanted to go unnoticed, he stopped at what appears to be a rendezvous point.

After a few minutes of waiting, a powerful motor sound came closer and closer to the dark-haired teenager. A big motorcycle stopped in front of him. The man still wearing his helmet stopped the engine and got off the big machine. In front of Jimin, he took off his helmet. It was him. It was the man Jungkook had seen one morning of class. It was the much older and menacing man.

"You have what I requested you?" The man snatched the bag that Jimin had on his shoulder and opened it.

"There is all the cocaine that you wanted," Jimin replied, fixing the contents of the bag.

"Your next delivery will be after tomorrow. Now off", the man closed the bag and turned to face his bike.

"Nah, I will not deliver anymore. It was my last," Jimin protested.

"What?", The man laughed, "You really think that you decide little shit ? You're under my orders, you'll stop when you'll be useless and when I'll say it," he took a few steps towards the smaller.

"It's been over a month, I did twenty-two deliveries and I still have not been paid." Jimin said in a cold tone. In fact, he was not at all impressed by the man in front of him. Jimin's personality had two sides: a calm side with his friends and another more aggressive hidden side. In front of the man, his aggressive side took over. He was not afraid at all and it annoyed the man who clenched his fists and his jaw forgetting the chewing gum he was chewing. "Give me my money or-"
Jimin did not have time to finish his sentence because of the blow he had just received in the face. He collapsed, banging his head against the cement. After spitting on the teenager who was laying on the ground, the man took the bag, got on his motorcycle and left at high speed.

Lying on the floor and nose bleeding, Jimin did not move. The shock of the head against the had taken him into a deep sleep. He had lost consciousness.


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