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Jimin came back home after the big argument he had had with Jungkook. He was right, he was a coward. He ran away from every difficult situations. He ran away from his abusive father and now he ran away from Jungkook.

He stepped in the cold house quietly. Weirdly, his father was not there which meant peace. Pushing his suitcase against the wall, the teenager walked toward the kitchen to cook something with the little food there was in the cupboards.

A letter with his name on it caught his attention in his peripheral vision. He opened it after a few seconds of just looking at it and started reading it.


I decided to get help.

Alcohol destroys my life since your mother's death and I refuse to keep destroying yours. I know I said harsh things in the past and I know how much I hurt you, mentally and ... physically. I am so sorry for all the punch and all the insults. I can apologize all I want I know it will never be enough compared of everything I've done to you. I have this monster in me who is waiting to come out each time I am drinking. I'd promised myself to never become like my father but today I am. I failed. Even though I'm one of the worst person, I don't want you to become like me. I don't want you to fail like me. So I know what I have to do. I have to heal and stop drinking.

I don't know when you are going to read this letter. I don't even know if you will read it one day as you are not living here anymore. But I wanted to tell you that I am happy you've found a caring family to live with. I am relieved that you are with the Jeons. They are really good people. I know that for being friends with them in the past.

Also, I am happy because you have a best friend who loves you to death. I know I said I hated him but in reality he was the one who took care of you when I did not.
I hope one day you will find the strength to forgive me or just talk to me again.

I love you son.

Your father.

By the end of the letter, Jimin was sobbing on the floor. His dad has been abusive since his mother's death but he still loved him. He was sad it got to this point but also relieved that his father asked for help.


On the rare days Jimin went to school, he was avoiding like the pest the cafeteria where he knew all his friends were including his ex best friend. You're a coward he remembered the latter's words. It hurt but it was just the truth. He knew it but he couldn't help himself.

When he was at home which was most of the time these days, he would just sleep and eat until the sun set. The next day, the routine continued.

He avoided not only his friends but also his girlfriend Mia. He finally realized with time that yes he cheated on her. With his best friend. A man. A fucking man. He did not realized he was crying until he tasted the salty tears on his lips. The hard truth made him feel so sick in his stomach that he began throwing everything in his room on the floor and the walls. Some objets broke under the strength Jimin put.

Finally stopping, he panted heavily on the hard floor face in his hands. Shakily, he raised his head slowly noticing the mess in his previously clean bedroom. Still sat on the wood, an elbow placed on his knee, a photo caught his eyes. The glass which framed the photo before his tantrum were all over the floor. Carefully, he grabbed it. It was a picture of himself when he was only seven with his mom long ago before her death. They were both smiling with his mom kneeling next to his petite figure. Jimin caressed the paper when a tear fell on his child face on the old picture. He smiled sadly.

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