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"Oh my fucking god !!!"

Jungkook and Jimin pulled back from the steamy kiss at the same time with a wet sound.

"What the fuck ?!"

They both felt embarrassed suddenly when just a few seconds ago they were without shame eating each other's mouth.

"Oh don't look at me as if you were embarrassed when a few seconds ago you were pushing your tongue down each other's throat", Taehyung exclaimed still shocked.

But he was not the only one shocked as his shout made everyone look at the two.

"Wait wait wait", Seokjin repeated quickly, "did you just kiss ?"

"No shit Sherlock", Yoongi said sarcastically.

"Hey ! Don't be mean I'm just surprised ?", Seokjin added.

"I think we all are dude", Hoseok admitted.

"I'm not".

Everyone turned to face Namjoon.

"What ?", Jimin finally found his voice back.

"Yeah well I just could feel it. You've always been really close and maybe I'm not dumb like all of you", he laughed at his oblivious friends.

"You bitch. You take every chance you get to make us look dumb", Taehyung whined like a kid. To his surprise, he received a wave of water right in the face.

"Don't need to for you to look dumb", Yoongi laughed. He wanted to push Taehyung's head under the water but thought it was not a good idea. He shrugged and looked back at the embarrassed pair not moving. "Hey !"

Jungkook and Jimin stared back at him waiting for Yoongi to talk. They were scared. All of their friends were straight and had girlfriends in the past like themselves actually. Never in their life of being friends they talked about liking guys and kissing guys. So yeah they held their breath maybe waiting for a disgust comment or anything really. But it never came.

"You look good together".

They both relaxed immediately. It was not just anyone. It was Yoongi the first one to accept them. Even though Yoongi liked to swear and being 'mean', he was the sweetest. He just hid it very well.

"He's right", Seokjin, Namjoon and Hoseok all agreed with him.

They all look towards Taehyung, the only one who had fallen silent. Jimin frowned. It couldn't be. Taehyung was his platonic soulmate, his everything.

"Hey don't look at me like that I'm just mad I hear the news at the same time as everyone else", he finally broke the silence and had the guts to laugh.

Jimin sighed heavily and walked in the water towards his friend to pull him in a tight hug. Everyone joined the hug and maybe some of them cried but you won't hear it from me.



Everyone left Jungkook's house late in the night or rather early in the morning and now it was just them.

"Sooo", Jimin replied shyly.

They were in the living room, far away from each other too scared to make the first step. They had kissed but now what ?

STRAIGHT / JIKOOK Where stories live. Discover now