*~Failed ~*

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It was when Jungkook were at his girlfriend's house that he received a call.

The contact mom were showing on the screen and then Jungkook knew something bad had happened. She never called this late. He quickly answered.

"Hi ? Mom ? Is something wrong ? ", Jungkook started.

"Baby...um how are you ? ". We could already hear the distressed in her voice.

"Mom. Tell me. Is it about Jimin ?" It was weird but he had bad feelings about something. "It's hard these days to contact him".

"Jungkook baby, you have to stay calm okay ? We are at the airport right now with your dad. We'll be there in a short time I promise ". Jungkook knew when she did not respond about Jimin. He knew he had problems.

"Mom just tell me. He needs me".

"Jimin is...um...he's at the hospital right now-". She tried to say before being cut by her son worried.

"Fuck ! What happened ? Is he okay ? Mom, which hospital ? I need to see him. He needs me mom I need to-"

"Jungkook please breathe for me ", this time, she cut him off, "he is at the asan medical center. His dad should already be there by now. I actually don't know the reason they called me. I'm also sure they're taking good care of him. I don't think it's a good idea for you to go see him tonight and alone. You know he might no be in his best state right now. We'll be there tomorrow morning. Wait for us baby ", she tried to reassure him with a soft voice.

Unfortunately, Jungkook was not calm in the slightest. He was everything but calm. Vanessa were waiting for him downstairs on the leather couch with some snacks spread all over the coffee table. She started being annoyed in front of the now pausing movie since he left her with a 'I'll be back soon'. As if her thought were said out loud, Jungkook appeared.

"Wow baby, i thought you'd never be back. Let's cuddle shall we ?", Vanessa asked seductively with something implied.

"Sorry but now is not the time. I really really have to go right now ", Jungkook replied quickly with furrowed brows without sparing her a glance. He put his leather jacket and his shoes, went to the door and disappeared in the dark. Vanessa were left alone shocked and of course really upset. There was something very obvious here. He left for him. He left to see Jimin. Oh how she despised him.


It was already full dark outside in Seoul streets when Jungkook finally arrived at the hospital. Immediately after the call had ended with his mom, he had called a cab. He couldn't wait his parents to be back. It was not even an option.

He ran until he faced a tall well clothed women at the entrance. Still breathless, he asked, "Hello. Um Park Jimin". He was still scared and worried that he forgot what to say.

"Sorry ? Is there anything I can do for you ? ", she smiled sweetly but not really understanding what he had just said.

"Yes please ! In which room is Park Jimin ? I received a call to inform me that he-he um", the thing was that he did not even know. When he hung up with his mom, she hadn't given him more informations beside Jimin being at the hospital.

"Are you from his family ? I need to be sure before telling you any informations", she continued when she saw the wide panicked eyes of the young man.

"Yes ! I mean no not really but I'm the son of the woman you called earlier".

"Oh, so the person we called wasn't his mom. I thought she was because well it's the person to contact in case of emergency in his phone", she revealed and started to change Jimin's record informations.

"It's not his father ? His name is Park Ja", he asked confused.

"No, I'm sorry it's not". After a short silence, she continued, "Park Jimin is in the operating block right now". At this, Jungkook's eyes went wide. "Please take a seat in the waiting room. I'll inform the doctors who's taking care of him that you're here. They'll give you more informations about his state later okay ?"

"Um yeah sure thank you", Jungkook left and went towards the waiting room after the woman gave him a sad smile. Few peoples were already there. Not a world was exchanged. The silence was paradoxically so loud in the room.

That's when the waiting started.


2 hours later and still nothing new. With his hands shaking, he dialed a number.

"Taehyung ?", he whispered with a shaky voice.

"What the fuck Jungkook, did you see the time ? It's fucking late. What's wrong ? If you tell me that your girlfriend kicked you out again and-", Taehyung rumbled with a tired voice before being shut off by Jungkook.

"Jimin is at the hospital", he simply said.

"What ?! What do you mean ? What happened ? Wait you're there ? I'm coming right now" he exclaimed worried.

"No stay home. He's still in the operating block", he sighed, "but come tomorrow and please tell the guys about Jimin. I don't think I can do this with everyone".

"Of course you don't even have to ask me. I'll call them and we'll all be there tomorrow. Please call me when you have news or anything...Shit we should have seen it. I should have seen it. Jimin was different these past weeks. This isn't something random. He struggled and we didn't see it...", Taehyung whispered the last sentence with a broken voice.

"Tae...we don't know what happened. Maybe...maybe he had an accident ? I don't know with a car ? We shouldn't make assumptions. Yeah ?"

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry. I'll call the guys now. Please take a nap if you can".

"Yeah you too. Goodnight". And with that, he hung up. He sighted loudly after remembering what he had just said to his friend. Of course he knew Jimin did not have a car accident. It was something deeper than that. His negative thoughts knocked him out in a deep sleep on the uncomfortable hospital seat.


Someone appeared in his dream. A voice.


He was floating on the clouds. He felt like flying with big white wings. He saw an angel.

"Park Jimin ?"

Then the voice could be heard louder.

"Is there someone for Park Jimin ?"

"Park Jimin", Jungkook exclaimed now wide awake. His neck hurt as he slept in an uncomfortable position but the moment he saw the doctor in front of him, he stood up quickly. "Yes ! It's me. I'm here for Park Jimin", he repeated himself.

"We want to reassure you by telling you that the operation went well. His condition is stable now but unfortunately, we can't be sure that he'll wake up. He suffers from a critical commotion. We had to put him in an artificial coma so his brain can't be damaged more", the doctor finished with sympathy noticing how the young man's face fell.

"You're not sure if he's gonna wake up ?", Jungkook whispered with a tear rolling down his face. The tall man gave him a sad smile before the teenager continued, "but he can. Right ? There's still a chance", more tears were falling from his tired eyes.

"There is still a chance for him to recover if it's in the next weeks. If he doesn't wake up by then...it means that the brain was too seriously damaged, and if he wake up... there are high risks for him to be disabled. For most cases, we don't take risks when they don't wake up in the next weeks and we finally put to an end all the treatments".

Jungkook felt like dying. At this moment, he felt like he couldn't breathe. His world was falling appart and he was helpless. He failed. He did not protect Jimin, his best friend.


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