*~Birthday party~*

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It was Monday, the worst day of the week. The case of Jimin could not be worse because it had been several days since he had not set foot in school because of his "disease". He would have to answer all sorts of questions. Why he did not come ? Why he did not respond to messages ? Why he had bruises on his face ? And he did not want to. He wanted everyone to leave him alone. He knew that his friends and especially Jungkook worried about him but he wanted and could solve his problems alone. Well, that's what he thought.

Jungkook was waiting for Jimin in front of the school entrance when he saw a familiar figure in the distance. It was Jimin. Who was the man next to him? He seemed older. They spoke or rather argued. Indeed, the stranger seemed very upset. His movements were abrupt and approached Jimin strongly. After a few moments, the dark haired man left.
Dressed in black and a cap hiding his dark hair, Jimin joined his best friend.

"Are you okay?", Jungkook asked worriedly.

"Yeah, let's go ?", Jimin did not wait for the answer from the younger and walked to the entrance of the school with his hands in the pockets of his black jogging suit.


The seven best friends ate at the school cafeteria. It was really not the best food but it was always better than the canteen. So the choice was quickly made. Many students were eating in the cafeteria so a crowd had quickly formed. That's why it always lacked chairs. There were only five chairs around the last table available for the seven friends. It was always the same system. First come, first served or rather first seated. That day, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin were the fastest.

"You need to be faster guys," Namjoon said laughing after having already tasted his sandwich.

"I hate it, I never have chairs," Seokjin answered breathlessly.

"Oh, it's not our fault, you're slow, it looks like you're carrying a trailer behind you," Taehyung mocked, half lying on the table.

"Kook", Jimin patted his right thigh with his free hand, "come", he took a first bite of his sandwich. Jungkook sat on the older thighs and felt a small hand around his thin waist. The younger melted under the soft touch as Jimin's thumb made circle movements on Jungkook's shirt. It was a habit for them. It was normal.

"Cuuuuuute," Hoseok teased both boys as usual.

"Why doesn't anyone propose to me to sit on his lap like Jimin huh ?" Seokjin looked at the other five boys crossing his arms. Jungkook and Jimin laughed at his remark.

"Because you're not our boyfriend," Taehyung added, straightened himself back on his chair. He turned to Jungkook and Jimin and gave them a wink.

"What is it supposed to mean ?" Jimin asked confused.

"Aaaaaah I don't know, you tell me," Taehyung smirked.

"Jikoooook", hoseok entered in Taehyung's game. They loved to provoke them and especially to see their reactions.

"Shut up," Jungkook threw his water bottle at Hoseok. Everyone burst out laughing when they saw Hoseok's face after being hit by the bottle in the head. Meanwhile Seokjin had stolen a chair at the table beside them and had sat between Namjoon and Yoongi.

"Anyway, Jimin are you okay ?", Yoongi asked, "you weren't very present for the past few days and I can see that you are well hurt".

"Yeah, I was sick and...I fought. Hmm you can all still come on Saturday ? ", Jimin did not change the subject very subtly.

"Of course we're not going to miss your eighteen years old. We're going to return Jungkook's house," Seokjin laughed loudly.

"As long as my house doesn't burn," Jungkook chuckled. "By the way the problem is solved, my sister will sleep with his friend Jennie".

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