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A few months later, they got accepted in the same university along with their friends. They got closer and closer if that was even possible and enjoyed being real 'roommates' this time in their own apartment. However, unlike typical roommates, they slept in the same bed and shared kisses and night making love. Sometimes...often, they would fuck in a rough kind a way as they discovered each of their kinks within the months being boyfriends.

They would invite their friends over on the weekends and maybe because of Taehyung and Hoseok loud personalities, neighbors came a few times either demanding to shut up or asking if someone had died.
They still were the best of friends and nothing could change that.

Jennie and Luna had taken their time but now they recently started dating. No, it was not Luna who had asked Jennie on a date but Jennie. "Do you want to go on a date with me ? Because if I have to wait for you to ask then I'll sure wait for a long time" her words, not mine. Jungkook had teased his sister for being a coward but quickly regret it when Luna had started spilling all his secrets to Jimin.

Jimin's father had contacted him again by text. The man told him he was finally out of rehab and had asked his son to meet him when he will be ready. "I heard from Jungkook's parents that you're living with him. I'd love to visit you both and see how's the flat. I hope you're doing well, Love you son", Park Ja had sent back then. Jimin had answered the next day still overwhelmed, but the situation was progressing a lot and in a good way. He was ready to forgive, not forget, but he wanted to give a chance to his father to make things better.

And yes, Park Ja had learned from Jungkook's parents that their sons were living together. The Jeons voluntarily forgot to specify the nature of their relationship because they were still uncertain and doubtful about Park Ja's change. But they were also willing to try to pick up the pieces of their past friendship so hopefully they will be friends again.

Jungkook and Jimin had decided after four months within their relationship to tell Jungkook's parents about being in love with each other. They were both very nervous and scared of their reactions. The younger's mom was filling Lunas's plate with food when he had blurted it out. Jungkook had expected a lot of things but was far from the reality as his mom had squealed happily hugging the two boys in a tight embrace. His dad, less expressive, had showed them a simple thumbs up and when Jimin was not looking, he had winked at his son. You could tell Jungkook was embarrassed if his face's color was anything to go by.

The two lovers fought sometimes but they would always make up and sex make up was the best. And even in their differences, they would find things that would bring them together. That was how in love they were with each other. They still had a long way to go but for that, they had their whole life ahead of them. And they were for sure going to seize this chance to grow old alongside their first real love.


~ T H E.   E N D. ~


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