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It was Monday and all the guys were sitting around a table in the cafeteria at their usual spot.

"Soooo how is it ? Living together I mean." Taehyung asked with a teasing tone.

"That's great", Jimin responded with his mouth full. "Why ?"

"I'm just curious don't look at me like that", Taehyung raised his hands when he saw the suspicious eyes from the smaller.

"I'm actually jealous. You're now kind of brothers. I mean you've always been really close but now it feels like you're official bros", Hoseok said excited.

"Official bros ? are you serious ? Who says that ?", Yoongi frowned at him.

"What ? What is wrong with that ? I'd love to be official bro with one of you", he glanced at Yoongi only to receive a disgust and judging look. "Wow okay so no official bro I get it", he faked sadness which made everyone laugh.

"Anyway it's weird don't say that", Jungkook suddenly said.

"What ? What's weird ?", Seokjin asked with his mouth opened and full of chewed foods. Namjoon cringed at the sight and pulled a face.

"The bro thing", the younger shrugged.

Everyone just stared at him without understanding the weirdness of it. They had always called themselves bros so what was so different now ? Only Taehyung glanced at Jungkook and Jimin with a different emotion. Since the day Jungkook came to see the injured Jimin in his house, he felt a change. Maybe it changed before but it only hit him when he saw how fondly they had looked at each ocher. Have they always looked at each other like that ? He remembered thinking.

It always felt different between them. There were this connection just between the pair but at first he thought it was because they were childhood friends. Moreover, Jungkook's mother was so important for Jimin after his own mom death. But after time and more thinking, he thought it was more than that. Taehyung kept an eye each time they were closer or when the pair thought nobody watched them.

At this instant, he was just silently watching Jungkook who avoided every questioning stares including Jimin's.

"Stop looking at me like that. It creeps me out. Anyway", the younger slapped his two hands hard on the wood of the table as he changed the subject "my parents are leaving in a few days so you know what it means"

"Party !!" Taehyung screamed suddenly standing up gaining everyone's attention in the cafeteria.

"Oh my god shut up please", Jungkook embarrassingly hid his face in his hands.

Everyone laughed around the table. They continued to talk during their lunch break about the coming party and the alcohol and drugs they will bring.


Jimin had left the house since an hour to go to Mia's and Jungkook stared blankly at the wall in front of him. Sat around the kitchen island with an elbow resting on the surface and a glass of water against his lips not really drinking, he was lost in his thoughts. He already missed him. Seriously he just left and it already felt like a hole in his heart. He first tried to play video games but his thoughts kept going back to him. Jimin. Jimin. Jimin.

He missed his best friend so what ? Was it weird ? Jungkook shook his head. Of course it was not. Why would it be ?

"Are you okayyyyy ?", Luna asked frowning at the sight of his brother.

"Hmm. What ? What did you say ?", he stirred from his thoughts and looked at his sister.

"So you're not", she sat on the opposite side of the kitchen island intertwining her short fingers. "Where is Jimin ? Shouldn't you finished school at the same time ?"

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