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Jungkook came home alone after classes. He was laying on his double bed looking at the white ceiling. Of course he had homework to do like all high school students but he did not care. His house was empty as always. Jungkook's parents were still in France. He didn't even know when they will be back. Anyway, he was not very close to his parents. However, with his sister Luna, they were very fusional. She was still in school at this time. Unlike Jungkook, she studied a lot and had very good grades. The fact that she was highly shy didn't allow her to make many friend.
Actually, she had only one friend, Jennie.

After a few seconds looking at the ceiling, Jungkook took his phone charging next to him. The person who occupied his mind was Jimin. He decided to text him.

Hey bitch, u want to come to my place ?

I can beat your fat ass at overwatch

Yeah ?

Jimin ??

Chimchiiiimm ????

Okay now I'm worried ! U supposed to insult me when I call u chim

20 minutes later (still by text)

I went to your house and no one answered

Please respond, just tell me u okay

                      I'm sick. I won't be at school for the rest of the week but I'll be there to wash people's shit Saturday. 

Okay I'll come to see u in the week

No no it's okay really. You'll be sick


Jungkook stared at his phone for a moment. He was surprised that Jimin did not want him to come. Actually, there was not a day since they knew each other where they did not do something together.

Jungkook was bored and started to check social media. On twitter, he just looked at his friend's and favorites celebrities tweets. It was mostly singers. Then, he opened the Instagram app and began to like pictures of half-naked women. He knew that Vanessa was going to ask him for explanations but he did not care.
After a good time enjoying naked bodies of these women, Jungkook opened the Snapchat app. On Snapchat, he had a lot of "friends" because everyone knew him at school. Jimin and he were very popular. Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung were also popular but no as respected as Jimin and Jungkook. Snapchat story's followed one another when suddenly Jungkook's expression changed. He froze during ten seconds. It was a picture of Mia and Jimin smiling in Mia's bed.

"Yeah, you look very sick Jimin. He really thinks I'm stupid", Jungkook muttered frowning.

He began to write a message to Jimin and tapped his keypad with more and more annoyance. He stopped suddenly and raised his head. He was not going to do this by message but wanted to confront him in person on Saturday. He then locked his phone and put it on his pocket. He got up, took his leather jacket and leaved his house. He wanted to fuck. He locked the front door and left to see his girlfriend, Vanessa.

Saturday, 11:30am

Jimin opened his eyes slightly and felt a human warmth against his chest. Mia warm's breath were brushing against his skin. They were huddled together completely naked under a large white blanket. Jimin did not go to high school all the end of the week and spent a lot of time with Mia. In fact, it was the fourth night in a row that they slept together. A record for the couple. Of course, they fucked the four night.
Jimin rubbed his eyes for a few seconds and turned to reach his phone that was on the nightstand.

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