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Jungkook's parents came back from Paris the morning after the accident. They went directly towards the hospital before even going home. Both, Jeon Yuna and Jeon Bae were very worried. Sleep was the last thing they needed. Jungkook waited for them at the entrance of the hospital for an hour now. when he saw them running towards him, he cried again. Tears actually never stoped falling since his talk with the doctor.

They immediately hugged each other, searching warmth from each other's bodies. After a few words exchanged, they finally entered and reached the waiting room. After being in this same room all night, Jungkook felt empty. His parents were also worried about him, seeing him staring blankly in front of him with dried tears on his face. They waited together without really knowing what they were waiting. Their interrogations disappeared at the sound of a deep voice.

"Mr and Mrs Jeon ?" At this, they all got up and went towards the man. "Park Jimin is still in an artificial coma like I told your son. But now you can pay him a visit. Please follow me" he walked in a long white corridor with the Jeon's following silently behind before stopping in front of a simple brown door. Hand on the doorknob, he glanced at the family "if you need anything, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I know this is a very hard situation you're going through. You can stay here as long as you want. We can also put a bed so someone can sleep here next to him. There is no problem", he concluded gently.

After thanking the doctor, they walked inside the cold room. The sight of Jimin seriously injured and connected to some machines was unbearable. Jeon Yuna, Jungkook's mother, fell to her knees on the hard floor. Her husband, Bae, immediately reached for her and raised her from the ground.

"Mom !" Jungkook exclaimed eyes and mouth wide opened. After seeing his dad taking care of her, he turned towards his unmoving best friend. "No..." was the only word that came out of his mouth. He walked slowly and sat on the edge of the bed. The smaller was lying down with a tube coming out of his mouth. His face seriously wounded and his face pale, he was unrecognizable. The broken sounds from his mom made him realize that all of this was real. None of this was a dream.

Jungkook took Jimin's hand gently with both of his and started crying silently. The sight of his best friend hurt him to death. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry. I should have be there. Please Jimin...I'm so sorry", he choked.


After staying two hours in silence in Jimin's room, a loud noise echoed.

"What the fuck happened now ?! Oh !" The man chucked viciously at the sight of Yuna and Bae. "so everyone knows that my son is here and no one has the need to tell me ?!" he spat furiously.

Jungkook was shocked how mad Jimin's dad, Park Ja, was. Still beside the sleeping figure, he tightened his hold on Jimin's hand as to protect him. His eyes followed Jimin's dad and noticed the stumbling in his steps. No...it couldn't be ? Was he...drunk ?

"Ja please calm down. You're being too loud right now", Bae tried to approach the furious man.

"Don't to touch me !" He yelled in the room. "What the fuck are you doing here ? Why am I the only one not knowing about MY son state huh ?!" He continued. His screams were not unheard as two doctors came in the room.

"Sir, I have to ask you to leave", one of the new comers interrupted the threatening man.

"Who the fuck are you ?! It's my son. I'm staying here ! No one has the right to tell me what I have to do !"

Jimin's dad was angrier seconds by seconds and then noticed Jungkook's presence beside his son.

"You ! Let go of his hand !" He walked hurriedly toward the teenagers but as he was about to smack Jungkook's hands, someone caught him. "Don't fucking touch me you bastard !" The drunk man screamed. After struggling to kick him out of the room, we could still hear the screams but slowly fading away.

"What happened to him ? He's crazy. He's never been like that before right ?" Jeon Bae mumbled to himself still in shock.


Namjoon, Hoseok, Seokjin, Taehyung and Yoongi left the hospital together after visiting Jimin. They came after school because yeah life continued. But Jungkook couldn't just go to school as if the situation was okay. The situation was not okay and he was far from being okay. The friends didn't talk much. Just being here was enough for Jungkook and...Jimin. All of them felt guilty. Guilty about doing nothing when they knew something was going on. Nobody really knew what had happened though. In fact, Jimin was very secretive about his life. He rarely talked about his deceased mom. He rarely talked about his dad. Even Jungkook struggled to talk to him. Jimin was so closed off, his feelings buried inside.
He was a danger to himself.

Jungkook was left alone with his sleeping best friend. His parents came home to see their daughter, Luna.

Sitting beside Jimin, he never let go of his hand even when Park Ja had threatened him. He drew circles with his thumb on the soft pale skin. With his other hand, he massaged Jimin's scalp. Then, his hand travelled down and cupped his best friend cheek gently fearing to hurt him even if he was unconscious.

"Hey", he whispered with a sad smile, "you had a lot of visits today. I always knew you've been the most popular one" he chuckled quietly. Still caressing his face, guiltiness started flooding his mind again. "I'm so sorry", he choked as tears began to spill. "I don't know what you did to be like this. I don't know what you did. I wish I knew. I wish I could find these bastards and kill them. Please...Jimin. You have to wake up. We need you. I-I need you. I can't live without you. Do you remember this time when we were kids and you were sick so I had to go to school alone. I was a crying mess", he chuckled. "Now I'm not a kid anymore but I'm still a crying mess...and I still need you. I need you so much. Please wake up" he sobbed. "I miss you so much Jiminie". Slowly, he got up and gently kissed Jimin's forehead.

"Hum hello ?"

Startled, Jungkook turned around and saw her.

It was Jimin's girlfriend, Mia.


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