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Jungkook spent his time at the hospital missing school a lot. He did not care. It was boring without his best friend even if the other guys were here. Teachers actually knew about Jimin accident so Jungkook's absence was not a surprise at all. They were attached at the hip.

"Hey ! Be careful Jimin", Jungkook exclaimed after the smaller tried to get up.

"Jungkook...stop I'm okay I swear. I can get up. How do you think I'm peeing ? For your information, I don't have any diaper or weird shit old people have", Jimin said sarcastically now sat on the bed.

"Haha very funny", Jungkook faked laugh. "No but really what do you want ?"

"My phone" he simply said. But Jungkook did not move in the slightest. He just looked at the smaller with raised eyebrows. "Can you give me my phone your highness ?" Jimin said still sarcastically.

"Wow I just asked for a please but I'll take that" he chuckled before getting up. At the moment he was about to take Jimin's phone, it rang. "Oh it's your father. Wait, I'll answer for you".

"No !" Jimin quickly got up and took his phone away from Jungkook. "I mean not now. I'll call him later when I'll be alone. Usually when he calls it lasts forever" he chuckled nervously.

"Hmm okay" the taller frowned frozen on his spot.

Tension filled the room and it was awkward. Both of them were now silent. Jimin just lay down again not looking at his best friend.

"Hmm Jimin...can I ask you a question ?" He approached him still confused of the sudden change of attitude. Jimin did not answer but just looked towards him and nodded.

"You told me the drug thing lasted for a month right ? So it started a month ago or around this time ?

"Jungkook go straight to the point", he demanded.

"Then why the doctor said you have wounds dating from over a month but like three or even more ?" He asked slowly.

"You ask too much questions" he sighed. "I don't know. What's that supposed to mean ? I don't even know what I ate yesterday. How should I remember what happened three months ago or even more like you say" the smaller stated defensively.

"Wow calm the fuck down. I didn't mean to upset you. But-"

"Seriously Jungkook you should go It's getting late" he said firmly without sparing a glance at his best friend.

"Seriously ?", he waited for Jimin to say something but nothing. "Ok. If that's what you want". He still said nothing. So he left.


At school, it was unusually quiet. Without Jungkook and Jimin, the school felt empty. They always spent their time doing shit and being punished for them. Once, they turned on the fire alarm so their exam could be canceled. Both were expelled for three days. An another time, they had stolen the math exam and gave it to everyone. They actually never been punished for that. The most recent one was the late thing at the French class and they had to clean toilets four Saturdays in a row. Once again, they avoided half of the punishment as Jimin had his accident.

The bell rang and it was lunch time. Hungry Teenagers filled the cafeteria and loud chatters were the only thing we could hear.

Luna and her best friend Jennie sat at an empty table and began to eat their prepared meal. They laughed and talked as usual when a fist hit the wood making them startled.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing ?! It's our spot !" One of the girls Luna despised the most exclaimed loudly so everyone could hear. "Aww girls look at that. They prepared their little meals how cute" the three bullies chuckled.

"It's not your spot" Luna said with a shaky voice.

"Oh ! The baby has a tongue girls. What a surprise ! You think you're brave ? Talking back to me ? Do you know who I am ? Well I'm gonna tell you. Leila. I'm Lei-la. I own this school so don't act brave with me you fag. You and your little girlfriend are leaving now !" She smirked with her two friends behind her laughing.

Luna and Jennie left without saying a word. Being smaller, younger and shy made them the target of the three bullies.




R u still mad at me ?


I wasn't mad at u



R u alone right now ?


Yeah Tae just left

Why ?


Can I come over ?


U don't even have to ask

Of course u can


Cuddled up together in the little hospital bed, they were sleeping. Even if Jungkook was taller, he preferred being in Jimin's arms. He felt safe and his best friend knew it. Since they were kids it has always been like that. Jungkook's head was tucked under Jimin's, soft black hair caressing his chin. Nothing could wake them up even the new incomer. Steps froze at the sight of the two cuddling.


"You don't realize how much I despise you".

Each of her visits, Mia saw things she did not like at all. She hated it back then when Jungkook took her boyfriend away each time she tried to ask him out. But she had the sensation it will be even worst now. Jungkook would not be able to steal him away from her. No way.

She will make sure of it.

End of the chapter !
It was shorter than usual but be prepared for more angst in the next chapter haha :)

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