*~Confession ?~*

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They turned around the sofa without stopping while Luna was shouting repeatedly "Jungkook is in love with Jimin ! Jungkook is in love with Jimin ! Jungkook is in love with-"

And that's when the front door slid open.

"Oh Jimin", the little girl stopped suddenly.

"Hey Luna and ...Jungkook ? What are you guys doing ?", the new comer chuckled oblivious of the previous scene.

"Jimin um I didn't know you would be back so soon", the taller mumbled nervously.

"I was with Mia"

"Oh", Jungkook felt sad all of a sudden because he actually forgot that he was taken when they were flirting so much in their weird friendship. Wait. Were they flirting ? And How could he forget ? Well with the way they both were acting towards each other, he could not help but think there was something more. And if the kiss they shared a few month ago was not a proof then what will it be ?

"Yeah I had to talk to her...", he walked closer to the siblings.

"Soooooo I'm gonna goooo", Luna cut him off so she could leave them alone, "don't do anything weird", she winked at her big brother teasingly only to receive a glare back.

Jimin only laughed at the strange behavior of his best friend's sister.

"What is she on ? Something happened before I came in or what ? like it seems I genuinely came back at the wrong time", the smaller asked curious.

"Ha ! Don't pay attention to her you know how she is. But um you- how was it with Mia ? What did you do ?"

"Wow it's the first time you actually care about my whereabouts", Jimin raised his eyebrows teasingly.

"What ? No I always want to know where and what you're doing", Jungkook frowned and actually felt sad at the comment.

"Hey calm down I was joking. Oh my god stop pouting you big baby". The smaller squeezed his friend's cheeks in one hand so his pout got bigger which made him laugh. "You should look at your face right now"

The taller only whined back and without breaking free from the smaller's hold he mumbled "you didn't even answer my question".

"What question ?"

"You know the question Jimin".

"For real I don't remember".

"What happened with Mia ?" He asked louder getting annoyed.

"Why ? Are you jealous ?", Jimin finally removed his hand from Jungkook's face before crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Please you're so funny. Why would I even be jealous ? And jealous of what ? That you have a girlfriend ? Because if you don't remember that either, I'm the one who broke up with Vanessa not otherwise so no I'm not jealous if it's what you're asking".

"Why are you getting so upset ?"

The atmosphere changed but not in a good way. At first, everything went well but the defensive tone of the taller was getting on Jimin's nerves.

"What the fuck I'm not upset ", his voice showed quite the opposite to be honest, "I'm just asking a question that you're not even able to answer. What's so hard about it huh ?"

"Are you even hearing yourself ? You ARE upset. And about something so ridiculous I mean it's not that deep I was just teasing you a little. I would have answer it after".

"Ok well I don't want to know anyway", he left Jimin to go to the kitchen. He acted petty and nonchalant as if Jimin was not even there in the first place by looking in the fridge.

STRAIGHT / JIKOOK Where stories live. Discover now