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"Partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy", Taehyung ran in the shop. Yoongi face palmed embarrassed as an old woman glared at the crazy teenager.

All the group were looking for snacks and soju for their little gathering.

Jin was the responsible one. So each time Hoseok or Taehyung came with a new thing to buy, he would send them back to put the stuff they took back on the shelves. Namjoon and Yoongi chatted about their last exam while looking for alcohol.

Not too far away, on tip-toes, Jimin stretched out his arm to grab a new brand of his favorite type of snacks but failed. He tried a second time when a low voice startled him.

"Not tall enough ?", the deep voice teased.

"Shut up", Jimin rolled his eyes. His heart started beating faster when he felt the bigger figure brushing against his back.

"Maybe you need help", the taller whispered. Jimin could hear the smirk in the tone without seeing his face.

"No thank you", the smaller replied stubbornly and before he even tried to leave a warm hand around his waist stopped him.

"Soooo barbecue chips for a pretty boy isn't it ?" He teased again before stretching his right arm to reach the snack easily. In the process, he leaned his body on his best friend while tightening his hold on the smaller's waist with his left hand. "Here princess".

Jimin turned around with red cheeks mouth dramatically wide to be face to face with a chuckling Jungkook. The smaller started punching the other which made the taller laugh loudly catching everyone's attention.

"Why are you even my friends", Yoongi sighed, "you are just a bunch of kids". His statement was confirmed when he saw Taehyung chasing Hoseok with a dead spider in his hand. They all laughed at the scene before Jin started chasing after them both.

After much more time than expected, the gang left the store, arms filled with snacks and bottle in the direction of Jungkook's house.

"Min, let me help you", Jungkook ran to Jimin who carried a single bag with snacks.

"Hey ! And who's helping me ? Jimin only have one bag and I have two", Taehyung whined loudly.

"Shut up child", Yoongi said.

"Hey ! I'm not a child !" He whined again just proving he was in fact a child. He received a slap on his head from a giggling Hoseok who was already running but quickly followed by Taehyung. The scene was so ridiculous as Taehyung's bags he was holding banged against his legs when he ran.

"They never stop these two", Jungkook chuckled while putting his left arm around Jimin's shoulder. He was now carrying two bags in his right hand. They walked in comfortable beside each other with soft smiles.


They all finally arrived at the big luxurious house and went inside. There were met with Jungkook's sister Luna with her friend Jennie laughing on the couch.

"Hey little rat", Jungkook embarrassed her sister in front of her friend who chuckled at the nickname.

"Jennie come we're going in my room there's someone I despise in this room", Luna insisted on the 'despise' and rolled her eyes jokingly at her brother.

"Yeah right little rat", the taller laughed but then raised his eyebrows at the sight of Luna and Jennie intertwined hands. When Luna caught the other's look, her cheeks reddened. He smirked and winked at her sister who quickly went upstairs with her friend. "Well well well", he whispered still smiling.

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