Chapter 2: Lost Cause

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"Damnit! Tie the old man up, and put the two in the truck!" Abby swore, tossing her gun to the side. Owen breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly the group went to work. With two strikes they rendered both the young adults unconscious. "On second thought, how about I take something from him." Abby spoke, standing over the injured Joel with a knife. She wanted so desperately to attack, but the sound of horses outside deterred her. "Abby, we have to go now!" The man with a Spanish accent called, and Abby seemed to hesitate. "I'll make him pay, after I save my people." She swore, and turned tail and walked out. Joel just groaned as he fell back, his head resting on the wall as he desperately held his leg. He was getting too old to be shot. The sound of cars starting up and driving away was heard through the wall, along with the sound of a door getting kicked in. Joel saw his younger brother come rushing towards him as everything faded away.

Chapter 2

Pain flooded his body, how could it not? With every bump, every jolt it shot wildly and he couldn't help it. A wince escaped his mouth, and he tried to force his eyes open to see. Suddenly he heard someone move, and then a hand covered his mouth. Y/N had panic in his body, he tried to move his arms but only one responded. His left arm budged an inch before pain fired through it, causing him to no long attempt to move it. His free hand quickly grabbed the person's wrist, trying desperately to move it. He quickly found that he couldn't get the strength, and even though the grip wasn't that strong, his body felt drained. 'This is it.'

"Stay quiet. If you shout or yell they're gonna come back here to cuff you. And I need your arms free if I want to keep working." A comforting voice spoke, and Y/N slowly opened up his eyes. It was one of the people at the cabin, he remembered seeing her sedating Joel. She wasn't one of the people who had tried to fight him. There wasn't a lot of trust, barely any, but a doctor was more trustworthy than a solider. He gave a nod to acknowledge what she said, and she slowly removed her hand. "My name is Mel, they said that you're Y/N?" She asked, rolling away. "Where... are we..." Y/N spoke out, his own voice pretty low. "We're in an ambulance. Before the outbreak, we used them to transport people to hospitals." Mel explained, injecting Y/N with something.

"Yeah, I know what an ambulance is." He grumbled, looking up at the roof above them. "That's surprising. I need you to tell me what you've had in the last 24 hours." Mel stated, and Y/N winced as she put another stitch in. "Mostly tequila. Our lunch was interrupted." Y/N said pointedly, and Mel seemed to hesitate immediately. "This is why I said we should've kept you awake, but nooo." She spoke in a mocking tone, finishing up the stitching. "I'm glad I didn't give you anesthetics, you would die before we could look at you." Mel stated, moving away from Y/N, looking down at him.

"I can't believe them. They're so desperate for a savior that they'll go to any lengths. Hell, even Abby put her anger aside." Mel spoke softly, and Y/N turned his head to look at her. Mel took a seat, rubbing her head for a moment before looking back up. "Why did you do it? The fireflies, it's all Abby and Owen are talking about." Mel asked, seeming exasperated at all of this. "I couldn't let them hurt... Ellie. For nothing." He muttered, why was he getting tired all of a sudden? His mind seemed to be fading. "That other girl? I have to say she's better off than you. Look, you need some rest before they try to interrogate you." Mel muttered, getting up and putting a mask over his face. Moments later, Y/N was asleep again.


Her hand hesitated in front of the door, she didn't know if she had the strength to face him. Ellie didn't want to get pissed off again, but she just couldn't help it. After everything, and once again she found herself blaming Joel. Ellie's hand moved down, and she pushed open the door. A relieving sound of something beeping was heard almost instantly, and Ellie's head turned to look at the EKG. She definitely wasn't any sort of professional, but the way it was spiking made it seem like Joel would be alright. "Hey kiddo..." Joel's low voice spoke out, and Ellie looked back towards the bed. Tommy was sitting next to Joel, but excused himself whenever Ellie walked in. "Go easy on him." Tommy mentioned as he walked past, and Ellie watched as he closed the door on his way out.

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