Chapter 8: What We Lost

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The gunshots were getting closer and they didn't have time to wait for the garage to open. "Hold on, Mel!" Abby said, slamming her foot down on the gas. The tires screeched across the concrete and the truck launched, driving through the gate that blocked the garage off from the outside. Soldiers stopped as they noticed the truck, quickly turning to direct their fire. Mel ducked to avoid the bullets as Abby directed the truck away from the stadium as fast as it could go. The soldiers were merely on foot, they wouldn't be able to catch up. The truck tore down the dirt path that Abby was on, causing a bumpy ride. And as she drove to the hospital, she got to watch as helicopters flew over them, heading directly to the stadium.

Chapter 8

A horse made a scared noise as it stomped its front legs, a hand reached over to pat his head gently. "I know, Red. We're trying to find somewhere." Ellie said quietly, looking at the storm that had brewed overhead. They had made it deeper into Seattle without any major run-ins with Fedra or WLF. "We can get through here," Joel called Ellie, which caused the woman to look over. He pushed open a door slightly, and then the old man quickly backed up. Ellie looked over to see why only to see spores make their way through the door. Joel backed the horse up as he put his mask onto his face.

Ellie, on the other hand, took a step forward and pushed the door open further. "We need a way around," Joel grumbled as he began to look, but as he looked away Ellie slipped into the building. "Ellie? Ellie!" Joel had called after her, but Ellie just snuck through the spores. Despite her immunity, her breathing was still shaky as she drew her gun. There wasn't any other way around, and Ellie was tired of sitting in the rain. If that meant she had to kill a couple of infected then so be it.

Ellie crouched low and stepped through the dark hallways of this abandoned building. Her steps stayed quiet as she strained her hearing to try and listen for the infected. In a room ahead she could hear movement, so the woman pushed forward and peaked into the room. She held his handgun close and counted the infected. There were 2 runners and a clicker, nothing she couldn't handle. She quickly peeked around the door and fired off four shots. Two of them found the heads of the runners, but the clicker didn't seem to fall from any shots.

It made a loud screeching noise as it threw its arms around, running at Ellie. Ellie looked at her gun as if she could see how many bullets were in it that way. No matter, Ellie had already decided not to waste anymore. She holstered her gun as she stood straight up, rolling her shoulders. Ellie quickly took the knife out of its sheath, holding the combat knife in front of herself. Y/N's initials were still engraved on the hilt, and she had to steady her breathing for a moment.


"Oh, and here!" A younger Ellie said, holding out a knife in both of her hands. Y/N was rubbing his shoulder to try and soothe the pain as he looked down at it. "Nah, you hold onto it. I have a spare." He stated, bringing out the backup and twirling it around. "It's a lot better than that switchblade of yours."


Ellie steeled herself, those memories were not what she wanted at this time. The clicker came closer to her and Ellie delivered a fatal strike to its head, putting it down quickly. Ellie watched the clicker fall and tapped it with her foot, satisfied that she was moving. It wasn't a moment later that another screech came from behind. A body forced its way out of fungus that had attached itself to the wall, reaching out and wrapping its arms around Ellie. It dragged her backward and slammed her into the wall, teeth bared to take a chunk out of her neck. Ellie struggled against the action, turning her knife around and rapidly trying to stab it.

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