Chapter 12: We Need A Doctor

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What? Back to back publishes? Yeah I'm surprised too, but turns out when you can't sleep you can get a lot done. Anyways, enjoy this chapter! It might be one of my favorites.

"Mel, you have to say something!" He said, and the other just looked lost. Y/N didn't exactly know what to say to this, as Mel was trying to control her breathing. "I- I think," she began, visibly cringing in pain. "I'm going into labor!" Mel suddenly yelled, which stunned both of the other men. "What does that mean?" Y/N followed up, and Owen looked back at him with a dumb look. "A baby is coming out of me!" Mel yelled afterward, not intending to snap at him. Y/N let that sit for a moment, and then it settled. "Oh shit!" He said, scrambling to Mel's other side. He and Owen shared a look, their next actions would have to be quick to help Mel.

Chapter 12

"Hey, I'm right here Mel," Owen said softly, sitting next to her as she laid on the bed Y/N once did. She was gripping his hand with intense strength, but Owen didn't make a single noise about it. He turned his head and looked at the hallway, behind him, Alice gave a soft whine. Footsteps came echoing, and Y/N came sliding into the room. "I have hot water and towels!" He said, quickly making his way over and setting them down. "Mel, listen, we need your help here," Owen spoke quietly. "A... a doctor! Get Nora!" Mel exclaimed, she was clearly in pain. "Nora? I don't..." Owen began, his words trailing off. "I can do it, how much time do I have?" Y/N stated, standing at the end of the bed.

"Y/N, no you can't. You're still hurt, look we just have to make do," Owen claimed. He was trying to diffuse the situation, not wanting anyone else to get hurt over this matter. "That wasn't a request, Owen. Where am I going?" Y/N stated again, a defiant look in his eyes. He wasn't a kid, he wasn't going to be ordered around. Owen sighed, he seemed lost at what to do in this situation. "3 to 5 hours, that's how long," Mel said through gritted teeth. "Right, and where is Nora?" Y/N questioned. His eyes turned to Owen for the answer. "Damnit, come here," Owen motioned. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small map. "The hospital is circled on there."

Y/N took the paper, unfolding it and glancing at it. He found the hospital quickly, tracking the best path to try and get there. "I'll be back in two hours," Y/N promised, turning around. His backpack sat on a stool, which he grabbed and shouldered on. He pulled out his handgun, checking the ammo count before quickly putting it back. "Kid, stay safe," Owen said, and Y/N just gave a nod. Owen whistled to get the dog's attention. Her ears went up as her head raised. "Alice, with Y/N," Owen ordered. The dog got up, trotting over quickly to the side of Y/N. "Let's go," Y/N said to his new companion, and then broke into a jog.

His body still hurt, the wounds hadn't yet fully healed, but Mel was more important right now. Mel was bringing in a new life to this world. He could hear the sounds of Alice's paws hitting the ground behind him, and so Y/N began to try and pick up speed. He ran his way through the aquarium, ignoring the cries of resistance from his body as it tried to slow him down. He was out of the aquarium before he knew it, the path to the hospital engraved in his mind already. Alice ran right behind him, determined to see her orders all the way through. The aquarium was fleeting behind him, Y/N knew he could keep this sprint up all the way there.

But naturally, he came to a screeching stop. Alice's paws scrambled on the ground as she tried to stop, ending up right next to him. The dog tilted her head as if she was asking Y/N what was wrong. Y/N looked down at the dog, giving her a hand signal to move. Alice listened, heading right and behind a truck. "Damn, they're good at training dogs," Y/N complimented, reaching down and pulling out his knife. The man also grabbed a glass bottle. He reaching his arm back and tossed the bottle, watching it soar for a moment before it shattered on the ground.

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