Chapter 18: Left Behind

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The bullet ripped through the shoulder of the older man, and Y/N watched as the general fell out of his like of sight. There it was, Y/N could have ended it, but he missed his head. He wanted to beat himself up over it, but there was something more pressing on his mind. He dropped the gun and turned his head, looking at the boat going up in flames. "Ellie, get us over there. Now!" Y/N yelled desperately. Ellie began to move the boat as fast as she could, but that still wasn't very swift. Y/N grit his teeth as the distance closed, standing from the boat and taking a dive into the cold water.

Chapter 18

The water struck at his skin, it felt like needles piercing him. Y/N opened his eyes to try and see under the water. The darkness surrounded him, with no moonlight to show him anything around. His gunshot wound stung, the air forced itself out of his lungs. Y/N looked up and quickly resurfaced for oxygen, taking in a deep breath. He analyzed his surrounding for a moment, Y/N had cleared some distance between him and Ellie. He looked back to his target, not too far away was the sinking boat of Owen and Mel. Flames were beginning to capture what the sea hadn't already. Y/N knew that his time was getting shorter by the second.

He swam for the boat. The pain striking his body was lost on Y/N, he couldn't afford to be hurt. The vast ocean sat below him as he swam, his heart beating through his chest. It hurt, everything hurt, but he couldn't stop. Y/N approached the end of the boat, the front having been submerged. He reached up and grabbed onto the edge, then he pulled himself up. Flames lapped around him, the intense heat combined with the extreme cold began to fluctuate his senses. "Owen! Mel!" he yelled out, calling for his friends desperately. The bow of the boat had already gone underwater, wreckage from it scattered around the water. He couldn't believe it, what was that? How was something like that even possible?

Y/N stumbled his way down towards the door that would lead to the main cabin. The boat tipped forward more, and he felt his weight get shifted. He fell onto the door, landing on his feet. He could see through the window, the room was almost filled with water. Y/N brought his leg up and quickly stomped down on the door, it barely budged. He tried it again, kicking at the hinges to try and loosen it up. After a few powerful kicks, Y/N hopped up off the door, getting above it. He quickly jumped up, gathering more momentum as he fell and crashed into the door. It finally gave way for Y/N.

He crashed into the cold water again, quickly swimming back up this time to the surface. The entire area was covered and filling rapidly. But the sound of thrashing caught his attention, and Y/N turned over to see Owen and Mel barely above the water. Y/N quickly swam over to the two, getting their attention as he moved. "Y/N?!" Mel called, visible relief on her face. "I can get you out of here, just hold on!" Y/N called to them, but he had to stop as a chunk of the roof fell off next to him.

"Kid, we're trapped under the water," Owen said now. Y/N looked down and took a deep breath, ignoring the call as Owen tried to get his attention. He swam down now, keeping his eyes open under the water. But it was hard to see, the only light he had was from the fire. When he got to the bottom, he could see both of their legs were trapped by a long wooden beam pinning them to the wall. Y/N's first attempt was to try and lift it, knowing he should've been able to under the water. But it was stuck on either side. He resurfaced right next to the two, catching his breath.

"Y/N, please listen to us!" Mel called now, but Y/N didn't listen. He could get them out of there, he had to. He took one last breath and swam back down to the beam. He couldn't lift it, so now Y/N tried to break it. Summoning all of his might, he kicked the beam as hard as he could. It didn't even move. Y/N tried again, but he just couldn't call up that strength under the water. He wasn't strong enough to break it. He resurfaced again. "I... I can't get it," Y/N breathed quickly, desperation and panic now filling his voice.

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