Chapter 5: The Strongest Will

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Before we get this started, let me set up a bit of a timeline for all of you guys, to make this a little more clear! Now this one is gonna be decently longish so if you aren't interested and want to skip it, be my guest. But I've had some people message me with questions on it, which I understand so I'm here to help.

So from the point when Y/N and Dina were captured, they immediately drove from Jackson, Wyoming to Seattle, Washington. This in itself is around a 13ish hour drive, so they were back to Seattle within the day.

Now, on the other hand, Ellie and Joel had to travel to Seattle by horse. They left a couple of days after the WLF did so Joel could heal. Now, I'm no expert at math but we know the distance is around 860 miles. We're never given an exact time of how long it is in the game, but from Dina's pregnancy and context clues we can assume is a 1 and a half months to 2 months. I checked it out on Reddit and some geniuses deduced that it would take 5-6 weeks on one horse.

Now Joel and Ellie in this book are on separate horses, and we can cut off some of that foraging time because we have Joel the expert. This being said, the timeline I had in mind for this was it being 41 days between them being taken and then Joel and Ellie arriving (about 6 weeks). So, Y/N and Dina have been in custody for 41 days as of the start of this chapter.

Also, it is mind-blowing to me that people are still reading the other book. I didn't expect it to get as popular as it has. Now, sorry this has been a long note, but I am done talking. I know you're tired of my text. Without further ado, let's go.

"You better hope Mel finds something soon. Isaac is getting impatient." Nora warned, looking at the IV one last time. "And he's getting tired of your multiple escape attempts. You know, I'm sure once they find something in that immune girl, he'd torture you himself." Nora continued, and Y/N gave a soft laugh. "Oh man I hope so, it would make it so much easier to kill him. And you." He threatened, and now it was Nora's turn to laugh. "Yeah, sure you will." She said in a mocking tone, walking to the door and making her way out.

Chapter 5

He stared up at the white ceiling, the machine next to him didn't seem to want to stop its persistent beeping. God, it was annoying, what if he just wanted some peace? Well, Y/N could always break it, but he assumed that would warrant a visit from those nice guards that refused to leave him alone. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a shaky and painful breath. His ribs were bruised, a couple may have also been cracked. His lip busted and his hair fell in front of his face. He tried to blow it away, and when it wouldn't work he relented and pushed it back with his left hand. Why his left? Well, his right hand was currently cuffed to the railing of his bed. Y/N was sure he could probably break free of it, the cuffs seemed pretty old, but he didn't want to use his strength.

He would just have to deal with the discomfort for a while, at least until he found some more energy to use. He was exhausted, in these past few weeks, he had given them hell. Y/N had done all he could to keep their attention, the more they focused on Y/N, the slower they would realize that they lied about Dina's immunity. But Nora's warning a couple of hours back had him worried. If Mel did find out that something was wrong with Dina, that meant they didn't have long. But he was too tired to do anything, the only sleep he's had has been forced by a sedative. On top of that, his last meal was yesterday morning. It was exhausting.

Y/N heard the door click, and he quickly directed his eyes towards it. His hands balled into fists, he was ready for someone to come through that door with malicious intent. It's all he's been given these past few days. But to his surprise, the door opened up to Mel. He immediately relaxed as the doctor walked forward with a tray of food, resting it on the table beside him. Mel was by far the only person Y/N found comfortable with it. Honestly, he didn't hold any ill will towards her. Unlike her friends, Mel's intentions by far have been inherently good. Now, he couldn't say the same thing about that giant brute of a woman who tried to kill him on numerous occasions, or anyone in the WLF. It seemed all of them were concerned with their survival.

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