Chapter 11: The Lost

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She fell to her knees to be eye level with the body of Dina, quickly reaching up to try and check for a pulse. A bullet wound rested in between her eyes, caked blood on the outside of it. And on her arm: a very obvious bite from an infected. Tears came streaming down Ellie's eyes as she refused to believe what she was seeing. "Ellie-!" Joel came into the room quickly, holding his gun up for a moment until he saw the scene. Ellie reached forward and got her girlfriend from the straps, holding her body closer as she sobbed. The old man felt a pain in his heart as he lowered his gun, taking cautious steps over. And all he could do was reach forward and place a hand on Ellie's shoulder, and watch as the woman sobbed her pain away.

Chapter 11

The rain finally gave up come morning, which was all Joel and Ellie needed. They stood outside of the theater, a pile of rocks sitting in front of them. At the end of the rocks were two planks nailed together in the form of a cross, and then staked into the ground. Ellie's eyes were devoid of life as she looked on at the grave, Joel stood right next to her. There was nothing but silence between the two, wind past them both as they just stood before the grave. Last night, Joel and Ellie discovered the corpse of Dina, and even now they still haven't fully processed what had truly happened. "Ellie," he said softly, his head turning to look at her.

"Kiddo I'm sorry, I know you loved her," Joel started, but the words got caught in his throat. He couldn't seem to voice the words. "You don't get to be sorry," Ellie said harshly, looking up to the man. There was a mix of anger in her eyes, but it was overrun by sadness. "You're the reason she was here, Joel! You and Y/N both, this is your fault! She wouldn't be dead if you guys just left me on that table!" Ellie yelled at him, every emotion she had was building up and exploding in this one moment. "Now that ain't fair, you don't know that,"

"I know it would've been better than this! Dina would still be alive, Y/N would still be here, and we wouldn't be caught in the middle of some damn war!" Ellie kept yelling, tears came falling quickly now as she slammed her head against Joel's chest. She didn't move it from there as she started to cry again, and Joel just looked silently at the girl he saw as his daughter. Gently, Joel reached up and placed a hand on the back of her head as Ellie just cried, letting go of the pain that was clinging to her soul. "I know it hurts, kiddo, but Y/N's still out there. We can still save him."

Ellie didn't respond, which caused Joel to huff gently. He par her head a couple of times and looked back up towards the grave they had made for Dina. "Let it all out kiddo, then we can go find Y/N," Joel instructed, standing there to comfort Ellie. This was the first time in a couple of years that Ellie sought Joel out to be comforted. Despite the heartache he had been through, Joel was still a father to the two, and he wouldn't trade any of this for the world. If he had the choice, Joel knew he would kill the fireflies a hundred times over to rescue Ellie. And he was going to do the same for Y/N.


His eyes opened slowly, and Y/N got a beautiful view of the roof above him. His body pulsed with pain as he tried to sit up, and it forced the air out of his lungs. The man let out a pained groan as he reached up, placing a hand on his chest for a moment. "Careful, Mel said you shouldn't be moving around," Owen spoke, catching the attention of Y/N. He turned his head to see him walk in, a cup of some drink in his hands. "I got you some water," Owen said simply, placing it down next to the gurney. The small tapping of four more feet caused Y/N to look closer to the ground. Standing next to Owen was a dog, a German Shepard to be more specific.

She stood with four paws on the ground, a tilted head as she looked up to Y/N. Was she trying to gauge his actions, decide if he was going to attack? That was one smart animal. "You brought company?" Y/N asked, letting his head relax once more. Owen bent down to place a hand on the dog's head, giving her a couple of good pats. "This right here is Alice, Mel brought her over last time we came. She was watching your bedside all night," Owen claimed as he took a seat on a nearby stool.

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