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"I ain't gonna make it, but I don't regret anything. Raising you two... was the best thing I had ever done," Joel continued. They were both crying now, they couldn't hold in the tears anymore. "Quit your crying, both of you need to get going now, alright? Take care of each other and... be strong," Joel said softly, raising both of his hands. He placed it on either of their cheeks, looking at the two he had gotten to live the last years of his life with. Despite the apocalypse, Joel found happiness within them. And so he closed his eyes, and let his hands fall from them. And then Y/N yelled as he cried, letting everything out now. Ellie joined in, nothing of them sobbing over the man that protected them. Even in his death, he had kept them safe one last time.


The sun beat down on them as a horse trotted up to the edge of the cliff. The horse stopped, preventing itself from going over the edge. On top of the horse, it's rider looked out at the scene before him. His hair sweeping in the wind as he looked down. He wore a simple black shirt, along with cargo pants that seemed run down. Straps ran across his shoulders, on his back was a newborn resting in a small harness fit to carry it. It seemed annoyed at the sun, as it was interrupting her sleep. On his waist was a handgun. From his horse hung a long rifle. And on his wrist was a broken watch.

"Hey, we made it," he called back, turning his head to the rider behind him. She was adjusting the blanket of the newborn so that the sun would stay out if it's eyes. Y/N watched Ellie for a moment, and then she noticed that he was staring at her. "Something wrong?" He asked, and noticed that Ellie looked down. "I... didn't expect to be back without him," she answered. Y/N looked back down to Jackson, their home that they had fought so hard to protect. "I know what you mean," he answered, turning the horse around. Up on the cliff was a red car that hadn't been moved for years. Y/N had chosen this spot for a specific reason.

"When we get down there, let's make him a grave," Y/N thought as the horse began it's walk down towards Jackson. "That sounds nice," Ellie answered, holding onto his waist to keep herself from falling off. Ellie was wearing a silver tank top and her own pair of cargo pants, on her back was a bag that was carrying their supplies. On her waist was a revolver, and a combat knife stuck in it's sheath. She had a shotgun hanging from the other side of the horse. And hanging off her backpack was a toy dinosaur. Y/N leaned forward and pat the horse on the it's neck. "You're doing great Red II," he said softly. "I think I'm starting to notice a naming pattern with you," Ellie retorted.

"At least it's better than Callus," Y/N shot back. "Hey! I thought Callus was great," Ellie huffed, and a smile broke across Y/N's face. They sat in silence for a bit longer as nature passed them by. "Hey, how's your chest doing?" Ellie finally asked. Y/N looked down at the bandages covering his chest, and pulled his shirt down a bit. "It's about healed. When we get into town, I'll have the doctor remove the stitching," Y/N answered. "Well, look on the bright side, there's another scar for you to love," Y/N said. Ellie seemed flustered for a moment, and just scoffed in response.

"Yeah well, I think your scars are ugly," Ellie finally said. Y/N mocked fake offense for a moment, but it didn't actually bother him that much. "Hey, let's not go on any more adventures, alright?" Y/N asked, growing serious for a moment as they began to cross a field. The walls were in sight now. "Yeah, I agree to that," Ellie followed up with. "How about we settle down? Maybe get one of the farmhouses," Y/N continued thinking. "I know you liked that one we found a couple years back, how about we refurnish it?" Y/N continued on. "What are you getting at, Y/N?"

"I'm tired of fighting, Ellie. I want to live a normal life, and I want to live the rest of it with you. It's what Joel wanted for us," Y/N answered, and Ellie seemed lost in thought. She hadn't known Y/N to be so thoughtful. "It's a miracle, you're finally thinking," Ellie chided, smiling to herself. "Hey!" Y/N protested. Ellie laughed as she put her head up against his upper back. "I think I like that idea," she spoke to herself.

As they approached the wall, some guards appeared from the top and aimed their guns down. "Stop! State your business for being here!" One of them called out. Y/N forced the horse to stop as he looked up, going to open up his mouth. "Hold it, I know them!" An old voice called out. Some conversation went on, and then the door was opened up. Tommy walked out, looking older than they remembered him. "Hey Tommy," Ellie waved. "Y/N, Ellie! Thank the lord you two are alright!" He proclaimed, walking over. But Tommy seemed to hesitate. "Hey, where's Joel?" He asked, looking behind them to try and find his brother. Y/N gave a sad sigh, his eyes looking up to Tommy. "I guess we should catch you up to speed."

The End

Written By: TheLonelySurvivor
Original Credits: Naughty Dogg

It's... over?

Oh, so that's this pain in my chest, and it's not the bullet that Y/N took.

I can't believe we finally made it, this project took so long to come out, but it's finally finished. It started getting really slow there close to the end, but I was trying really hard to brainstorm the story that would play out.

I feel satisfied with how the outcome turned out, and I'm very proud of this project! So, what did you all think?

I have to say that these books have been the most fun for me to do. The Last of Us is a game I was always super invested in, and getting the ability to write about them feels like a blessing in my eyes. But I am sad that it's ended.

I really hope that all of you are going to leave this book satisfied with the ending, no matter what your emotions towards it are. And I want to thank you all!

I received so much support and positivity throughout this project, and without that it wouldn't have been possible. All of you that read from the beginning to here, all of you deserve to be credited in this story as well!

This is the end of Y/N and Ellie's story, the rest of their life is free for them to live as they please. (Unless Naughty Dogg decides to release a TLOU 3 in 7 more years).

So, with one last heartfelt thank you, I'll let hit the final publish button for this story. So one last time, thank you all for helping me through this.

See Ya Later!

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