Chapter 7: Safehouse

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Uh, work. Yeah, that's all I got for you. Anyways! Thank you all so much for the support and the song suggestions you gave! With the help from some of you plus my song knowledge, I believe we have a pretty good start to this playlist. For whatever reason I can't post the link, so scan this code:

I hope you all enjoy the music as much as I do, feel free to keep those song suggestions rolling! And please enjoy this chapter! It took me longer than I wanted to get out, but it's out!

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I hope you all enjoy the music as much as I do, feel free to keep those song suggestions rolling! And please enjoy this chapter! It took me longer than I wanted to get out, but it's out!

Ellie was trying desperately to get up, but a swift kick to her head rendered her unconscious quickly. "Step away from her!" Joel ordered, firing another round into the soldier that had struck Ellie. But the older man had no leverage, and a bullet straight into his shoulder was what took him down. He felt the pain going through him, he needed a way out. He was no good to Ellie dead. Before they could find him, Joel covered the bleeding and rolled out of sight. Since they had to cross barbed wire to get to him, Joel could crawl his way to a hiding spot and watch as they took Ellie away.

Chapter 7

"Get up, Joel!" A voice called to the old man, causing him to wake after being rendered unconscious. He felt immediate pain in his left shoulder as he reached up, planting his hand over the bullet wound. But the pain didn't bother him, not as much as it should have. Joel rolled out of his cover, pushing himself to his feet. The old man had to take a moment to patch up his shoulder, at the very least he needed to slow the bleeding. He brought out the medkit and quickly got to work.

Joel didn't like sitting out here, not with the corpse of a nearby horse here. Infected were surely going to be attracted to it soon, especially with all of these gates open. Speaking of horses, Joel didn't see Red lying around in his blood anywhere. That's an Ellie kidnapped and a horse unaccounted for, wonderful. Joel grunted as he let go of his shoulder, reaching down and taking account of the weapons he had on him. A lot of emotions were going through the older man as he thought about what could be happening, but he shoved all of that down.

"I'm getting too damn old for this," Joel said to himself, he looked up to where Ellie had been dragged off to. He stood there for a moment, breaths coming in and out of his chest as he decided his next course of action. They didn't know who Ellie was, so Joel had to go before they decided to kill her. He could think of a plan on the way. Joel took off in a jog, he couldn't seem to run properly anymore. The old age was beginning to catch up to him, but he still had to save Ellie.

Joel followed the tracks the WLF left behind, they weren't exactly careful with what they left behind. In fact, if Joel didn't know any better, it looked like they were panicking. "Fuck, they know we're here. Our job just got a hell of a lot harder," Joel spoke as the realization dawned on him. Joel kept up his jog down the road, taking cover now and then as infected shambled past him. He was careful with his rounds, though, as he knew that he couldn't afford to waste any.

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