Chapter 6: Follow Me

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What happens when you corner someone with nothing to lose? Well, I think we just saw it. I gotta admit, I do appreciate how the action of the last of us Part 2 takes place in 3 days, not including the prologue and epilogue. It adds such an intense mood that makes it so much more fun to write.

Man ever since I started this I haven't been able to read any other tlou story. Because every time I do, I find my thoughts seemingly coming purely for that story, and that's a no-no. We don't do that plagiarism in this household. But if y'all have any good books for me to look at when I'm done with this, I'd be grateful for the recommendation.

Also, I finally finished out my notes on this book. Meaning that I know how this is going to end, and I am actually really excited about what's going to happen. I hope you all enjoy it, and let's enjoy this chapter!

Ellie winced and grunted as she got off the horse, holding her shoulder in pain. "Let me see it," Joel stated, walking over. Ellie turned away from him, she didn't need his help. "I'm fine, Joel. It's just a bite." She stated, and Joel sighed. He rummaged around in his bag before bringing out some gauze and alcohol, handing it to the girl so she could get patched up. Meanwhile, he grabbed the gas and heading to the generator, filling it up. Thank god he had gotten some. Ellie moved her hand so she could bandage it up, damn that hurt. "Joel?" She asked to get his attention, and the older man just hummed. "Thank you... for the save."

Chapter 6

"Goddamnit," Joel swore for easily the seventh time in the past couple of minutes. Ellie was standing aside, still finishing up treating her bit wound. That would just be one more bite to hide, maybe she would burn herself again. Although, Ellie wasn't sure she would have the guts to without Y/N around again. As soon as that thought crossed her mind, she cast it out. She couldn't think like that, she was strong enough without him. She didn't need him watching over her, not after what he did. "Son of a bitch!" Joel swore again, pulling the ripcord. The generator sputtered to life for a moment, but it was dead once more soon after.

"Move out of the way," Ellie said, stepped forward. Joel let out a breath and moved, letting her give it a shot. Ellie placed her hand on the generator to hold herself, her other holding onto the generator. Then she pulled, hard, listening to the generator kickstart itself to life. "Good job," Joel said quietly. The realization was beginning to dawn on him: he was getting too old for this. Joel moved into the security booth next to the gate, fidgeting with a couple of buttons until it came to life. The gate was loud as it pulled itself open, this caused Ellie and Joel to go onto high alert. They had expected more infected to be attracted to the noise.

Luckily for them, there was nothing. Joel sighed softly, looking over to Ellie, who was leaning up against her horse for support. "What's on your mind, kiddo?" He asked, and Ellie scoffed as she looked away from him. Joel had expected this reaction, he just wanted her to see reason and listen to him. If not him, then at least listen to Y/N whenever they found him. "I don't get why we haven't seen one yet," Ellie stated, and Joel glanced up at him. "It's a big city, Ellie," Joel stated simply, and the woman grumbled. "All we've found are damn infected, no WLF soldiers." She stated, before looking back to Shimmer.

Joel just shook his head as he got onto Red, waiting for Ellie to drag herself onto Shimmer. "If you ain't doing alright we can stop," Joel offered to Ellie, but the look she gave him was one of relief. "I don't need you to babysit me, Joel. I'm not a kid anymore, I can take care of my damn self," Ellie snapped kicking Shimmer lightly as she rushed past Joel. The older man gave a huff before following after her. The two were silent as they rode on, the scenery of what used to be Seattle passing around them. They didn't make it all too far through a road when they came to a hotel that was seeming blocked off by a fence. On it was a symbol of a wolf, the words WLF painted beneath it.

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