Chapter 1: What I Deserve

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Can ya'll tell that I just wanted to get the prologue out? Yeah, that was rushed lmao. Anyways, here's our first genuine chapter, and I am stoked for what's to follow. I don't have much to say, except I'm sorry this took so long, so let's get this show on the road.

Chapter 1
4 Years after Until The End

"I would do it again if I had to."

Y/N woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily as he took a moment to gather his surroundings. He wiped his forehead with his upper arm, getting some of the sweat off his head as he tried to steady his breathing. After a couple of moments, Y/N gave a small breath and swung his legs over the bed. "I'm getting tired of that nightmare." He muttered to himself, sliding off the bed and onto his feet. He winced immediately, his body still sore from the workout he had the other day. The man rolled his shoulder back, feeling satisfied when he heard a pop. Y/N heard some footsteps and turned his head to see Joel appear in the doorway. The older man was already dressed with some of his gear ready to go. "Are you ready kiddo?" He asked, and Y/N seemed a bit confused. Joel gave a sigh, pointing at his guns. "We have a patrol today."

Y/N gave a sigh, closing his eyes and trying to remember. "Right, yeah I'll get dressed." He muttered, rubbing his eyes a bit to try and stay awake. He went over to his dresser, hearing a huff from Joel who was still in the doorway. "Y/N, are you doing alright?" Joel asked as the boy but on a shirt, looking for his jacket to go over it. "Why wouldn't I be?" The younger retorted, tossing on his jacket as he went to put on his boots. "You were hammered last night." Joel spoke, waiting as the other grabbed his handguns and loaded them up. "I'm surprised you didn't stop me." Y/N replied, finally putting on the rest of his gear and walking out of the room. Joel lead the way down the hallway, turning his head every so often to look at Y/N. "I figured you needed it, especially after what Ellie said."

"Joel, I'm a big boy. I can handle some words." Y/N joked, and Joel gave a small chuckle as the two walked through the house. "Just make sure you're good to go. Maria might just kill me if I lose you out there." The man ended, stopping by the dining room to look at the note that rested on his table. Y/N on the other hand, walked out of the house, stretching as kicked some of the snow around. "I hate the snow." He grumbled, hearing the door behind him close. "Anyone ever tell you that you throw a nasty right hook?" Y/N asked, glancing back at Joel. "I've heard it before, yes." The man said with a sigh, a bit of regret in his eyes. "If it's any consolation, I think you did the right thing." Y/N offered, giving a bit of a huff. Joel didn't respond as the two started walking down the street.

"So what patrol are we going on?" Y/N asked, glancing around the street at people walking by. A majority of them were still asleep. "We're going up the Central Road, up to that town a couple miles out." Joel answered, and Y/N gave a huff. "Naturally. Didn't the last patrol have to bail out?" Y/N questioned, trying to remember what they said. "Something about a pack of clickers being lead by something called a Shambler?" Y/N reiterated, giving a sigh. "That's why they're sending us. You're not gonna like who's tagging along, but you need to act professional." Joel spoke, and Y/N shook his head. "I think I can handle that."

The two walked into a bar of sorts, where some old guy was behind the counter. "Joel, Y/N, I gotta..." he began, but Joel raised his hand. "Seth, it ain't us you gotta apologize to. How's your jaw?" Joel questioned, watching as the man produced two wrapped up lunches. "You throw a nasty right hook." Seth commented, and Y/N gave a small laugh. "Told ya." He said, and Joel gave a huff. The two stashed their food into their bags, and Joel turned to walk out. "Hey Y/N, here." Seth said, sliding a glass over. "For that hangover you oughta be having." He explained, and Y/N eyed the murky glass cautiously. Although, he didn't wait too long before chugging the liquid. "Ugh, tastes like shit." He said, putting the glass back down as Seth chuckled. "It'll work like a charm, good luck out there." The old man offered, and Y/N gave a wave as he followed Joel out.

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