Chapter 21: Sins Of My Father

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The general moved, so Y/N did as well. He grabbed the handle of the hidden gun, bringing it around. He watched the general's hands, seeing another gun in his hand too. The world around Y/N drowned out, he had to make this shot. Jackson was relying on Y/N succeeding here, he couldn't let the general go. Even if he died here, even if he didn't make it home, the general wouldn't touch his people. He brought his gun around, why did his body feel as though it was in slow motion? He watched the general's gun flash, and there was a pain in his shoulder. He had been shot, but he didn't let it affect him. He aimed the gun and fired, straight for the general's head.

Chapter 21

Ellie tried desperately to steady her breathing as she pushed herself behind a pillar, the men that were after her were clearing the seats now. She had lost them for a moment, taken cover behind a support beam as they edged closer. She held Y/N's gun close to her body, trying to steady her breathing as best as she could. It didn't seem to have much luck though. Her lungs were aching as she held the, hearing their footsteps getting closer and closer. She took in one last breath, then moved around the corner and fired. The one closest to her went down, and the other two took shots now. Ellie felt a round pierce through her abdomen and stumbled back.

She quickly took cover again as they continued firing on her. She held the gunshot to stunt the bleeding, looking at the rifle. She wouldn't be able to use it well anymore. The woman hung the rifle across her back, reaching for her handgun, only the find that it wasn't there. She swore and closed her hand into a fist, hearing the shooting stop. She would have to wait for one of them to get close. Footsteps walked closer, they sounded like thunder to her ears. She had to focus, sweat fell on her face like bullets. Then she saw the outline of the man.

He turned to look at her, but Ellie was surprisingly faster. She grabbed his gun and brought a knee up to his stomach. The man doubled over and gasped for air, gasping for air. She ripped the gun from his hands and turned to the other soldier who was raising their weapon. He fired, and missed. She fired and the bullets found a new home in his skull. She looked down at the other soldier and fired, taking him out as well.

Ellie stood around the dead bodies that had ambushed her, reaching down to her gunshot wound once again. It stung to the touch, but Ellie could barely feel the dull pain that wracked her body. She needed to get down to Y/N. Ellie held the rifle she had stolen and began down the steps towards the field, ignoring her bleeding to get down there faster.

Down on the field, the barrel of Y/N's gun had a trail of smoke coming off it. He looked aside it at the general, holding his gun at his side. Then blood started falling from the general's head, and Y/N watched as his body fell over. Y/N grabbed his shoulder and limped over towards his body once he got there, Y/N looked down at the man that threatened his home. Then he raised his gun again and fired into his body.

Anger seemed to flash over Y/N, all of the hardships he had endured were because of this war in Seattle. All the people that had died were because of this man. He killed Mel and Owen, he was the reason the WLF sought out him and Ellie. And Y/N was pissed. He shot again and then fell towards his body. Y/N's knee landed on the general's chest, and Y/N raised his arms. He was already dead, but Y/N didn't care. He fell and raised his hands, striking the dead general. And again, and he hit again. He kept going, letting his anger out on the man that was already dead, on the man that already died for his sins.

Someone called his name, but it was white noise compared to what he was doing. Y/N was furious, he wanted nothing but to make him suffer, even if he could feel pain. He raised his hands to strike again, tears began to well in his tears. Then, someone wrapped their arms around him.

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