A Note To You

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Heyo! I want to preface this update by saying that it is not a chapter. That being said, feel free to skip this if you so please, all I'm going to be doing is talking about why I haven't been here, and just talking to you guys as the readers of my books. Alright, preface over.

It's kinda weird, I think the last time I wrote a chapter of just an authors note was when I was talking shit about the last of us part 2. I still stand by that, btw.

But to the good bit, I am sorry that I have been very inactive. But there's good reason, believe me. You see, your lovable author turned 16 about a month ago. (May 24 if you care to know) Start the celebration! Right, but I'm sure a lot of you know what comes with turning 16. That's right, a drivers license.

I actually failed the test the first time, parallel parking is a mother fucker, but I have my license now and can drive around. But the only place I really drive to is work. Yup, that also comes with turning 16: the ability to get a job.

And there you go! The reason I haven't been active is simply because I have been busy. It probably doesn't help that my motivation to write anything has been 📉.

But I made a promise to all of you who still read this, I told you I would finish this story. One way or another, it will be done and over. We will see Y/N, Ellie, and Joel's ending just as it was meant to be. Well- I guess that isn't true, more like how I wanted it to be. I think I'll be getting the next chapter out in the same day this not drops, but that could be changed so please don't hold me accountable.

It's funny to think, though, that this series started out as something fun I could do. I had just finished my 15th play through (probably the actual number tbh) of the last of us and sat to myself thinking "man, I don't know what else to do."

Then after reading some fan fiction of my own I ran across some tlou x reader and decided that I needed to try my had at one myself. It wasn't meant to be anything, really. Y/N was meant to be this side character, coming in with witty remarks to make a romantic interest for Ellie and just have fun with it in general. But by the 5th or 6th chapter, the reader count had soared.

It got to #1 on like 3 different tags (I actually think it held #1 in one of those all the way to now) and people started commenting, messaging me, and it struck me that this could be something more.

This was about the point where I had to sit in my room four hours and justify the actions that Y/N took in the first few chapters because they were original because I could do them, but now it needed to match the story. I started putting more time into my writing, devolving myself as a writer all the way to the end.

And when it ended? I felt so... so satisfied that I had did it. I was done, I finished this story that people enjoyed and I got to tell a story of this character that I became attached to as time went on.

Of course then the realization that I would have to make a sequel because of *looks at TLOU 2 in a dumpster fire* that thing, and I started crying. I mean can you blame me? The amount of brainpower it took to figure out a way to rewrite a 25+ hour game was not fun.

But we're here now, in the second book and I just can't help but look back at Y/N. This character who originally was just me personified: a goofy idiot who couldn't take anything serious that slowly turned into a genuine story character people could relate to and care about.

That character development of him going from being this anti social teen who believe he was the sole bearer of the world on his shoulders, and then he meets Ellie and Joel. Then he realizes that he's been carrying this burden that wasn't his to carry, he was just a kid. And for the last half he was just that: a kid. A sad, tired kid who had been through the ringer and just wanted a warm shower, a good bed to sleep on, and food he didn't have to skin to eat.

Woah, that was a lot of words. I should probably get started on the next chapter, I still got about 2000 more to go before I can publish it. But before I end this note, I wanted to do something cool with you guys!

I'm gonna make a Spotify playlist for this story, one that I can listen to while I write chapters and what not. But it's lame if I just make it, so I want to make it with, all of my readers.

So do me a favor, comment here some songs you think match this story. It can be relating to either Joel, Ellie, or Y/N. Hell if you want it can be the side characters too. We're gonna build one hell of a playlist that I will create and make public for all of you guys.

Sound like a cool idea? I thought so, you don't have to comment if you don't wanna. I already have ideas in my head for some songs to add. Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading through this and understanding why I couldn't update recently. I am truly sorry, and I promise I'll get to work on this story.

See you guys in the next chapter!

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