Chapter 3: Monster

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Can I just say before we get this started, that all of you are phenomenal? All of you guys commenting and voting are just amazing. And thinks for the heads up on the horses name. We have 2 chapters out and one prologue an already you guys are making every step worth it. So I'll keep pushing on, short and long chapters. Interesting and boring chapters, we will make it to the end. And I'll give you all the ending that we deserve red as fans of this game. Now, let's go.

The two put on the backpacks, getting onto their respective horses. "Are you sure about this, Ellie?" Joel asked one final time as they left the stables. "They'll die out there. I won't let Dina die, Joel. And Y/N doesn't get to either until I've forgiven him." Ellie stated, and Joel looked forward. He had to hop off of Red to put a key up to the gate's sensor. This would alert the guards to open it up. "Then let's go." Joel claimed, the two standing by as the gates were opening. The sun filtered through the crack as it spread out, and once it was wide enough, Joel left first. Ellie gave a nod, kicking the side of her horse as she followed closely behind. 'Hang in there, Dina.'

Chapter 3

"Oh stop complaining, it's not even that bad." Ellie said softly, throwing the male into an infirmary. "I think." She muttered afterwards, and Y/N glanced up. "You think?" Y/N asked, holding his leg in pain. "You keep everyone else out of here!" Joel ordered someone, before slamming the door and walking towards Y/N. There a doctor with him, who had moved Ellie lightly so she could take a look. "Fucking hell, thanks for the backup." Y/N grumbled out sarcastically, looking pointedly at Joel. "I was fighting a bloater, I told you not to go anywhere!" Joel reprimanded, and Y/N just put his head back down.

The doctor jumped back in an instant, letting Y/N's leg hit the bed and chasing him to stifle a shout. "What the hell is that?!" She asked, looking immediately to Joel for an answer. "Look, doc, I can explain just stay calm." Joel started, putting his hands up as he tried to ease the doc. "You better make it fast." Ellie warned, looking down the Y/N as he grimaced on the bed. "You're ok, right?" Ellie asked, reaching down and grabbing his hand. "Oh I'm peachy, a clicker only bit into an artery is all." Y/N answered, giving a forced laugh afterwards. "You're a Dick." Ellie stated, looking into his eyes as she held his hand.

The doctor took a deep breath, throwing away her better judgement and walking over. "Alright, move your hand." She ordered, and Y/N did what he was told. The doctor seemed to steel herself, before looking over to Ellie and Joel. "Since I can't get anyone else in here, I'm going to need you two to help." She said, and Ellie gave a shaky nod. "Don't worry, I'm a pro." She claimed, giving Y/N and bit of a laugh. "Yeah, just don't kill me." He muttered, feeling his eyes growing heavy. "We have to move, now!" The doctor ordered, and Ellie seemed to start to panic. "Y/N, Y/N! Stay awake!"


"Get up!" Y/N reeled back from a hit to his face, his eyes opening quickly as he adjusted to the lighting in his face. "Turn the sun off." He said quietly, his voice coming out raspy and almost unlike his own. The face close to his backed off, and Y/N had trouble seeing through the glare. Suddenly the light was shut off, and he found himself blinking. "Mel, what are you doing?" A sharp tone spoke, but the doctor looked defiant. "I told you not to do anything to him, for all we know he has brain damage and you just made it worse." Mel argued to Abby, and the other just gave a scoff. "And? He killed an army, Mel! He doesn't get any pity." Abby spit out, looking back towards Y/N, who's head was hung. "He is my patient right now, Abby. We went to Jackson for the immune kid, and we walked away with two. Do you know what this means?" Mel asked, standing in between Y/N and Abby.

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