Chapter 13: The King

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Someone give me a medal because this is three in a row. Enjoy!

Someone responded to his voice, the one to his right moving and looking up. "Y/N?" Her voice asked. The light flashed again, and Y/N could see clearly who he was aiming a gun at. He drew it back immediately, letting the knife leave the other's neck too. "Ellie?" He asked softly, staring in disbelief. He turned his head, the lights flashed again. The other man was Joel, and he had nearly sentenced him to death by knocking of that mask. The four of them stood in the long hallway, filled with spores and confusion.

Chapter 13

"Well this is a lovely reunion," Nora said sarcastically, breaking Y/N out of his trance. "You found your man, now let me go," Nora spoke, her eyes looking over to Joel with a cold harshness behind them. "Actually," Y/N interjected, reaching forward and grabbing Nora by the collar of her shirt. "I and you are going on a trip, doctor," he said, his tone lowering to give Nora a threatening feeling. "Wait- wait a moment Y/N, we came here to get you," Joel said, holding a hand out to stop the boy from moving. "And I'm grateful, really Joel, but there's something slightly more pressing going on," Y/N stated, turning to walk away with Nora being dragged behind him.

"What? Y/N! You can't just leave after we've found you!" Ellie yelled, not sure how she was feeling at the moment. "I didn't say I was leaving, you can follow me," Y/N answered, looking back at them. Joel and Ellie seemed stunned, this wasn't exactly what they were expecting. They thought Y/N was captured, still in need of help. Y/N opened his mouth again to say something, but he was cut off by the sound of a ground-shaking roar. It shook the ground beneath his feet. "What the hell was that?" Y/N asked, looking over to Nora. "That was our cue to leave," Nora insisted, clear distress in her voice. "Y/N, can we talk about this for a moment? You can't just show up and not answer any questions!" Ellie called again.

"You will get answers, Ellie. But not right now," Y/N answered, shutting down any more questions. There was a cold look in his eyes, which could have possibly been more important than the two people he cared for most in the world. There was another roar, and the ground beneath them began to crack. "We need to leave, now!" Nora yelled, but Y/N was analyzing the crack. "What the hell can make something like that?" He asked, slowly drawing his gun. "Not something we want to fight. Please, Y/N, listen to me," Nora tried to beg. "Since when were we on a first-name basis?" Y/N asked, making his way back from where he came. Joel and Ellie were stunned, Ellie most of all. She hadn't expected this coldness from Y/N, the same Y/N who had risked his life for Dina.

"Come on, we can't just stand here," Joel spoke softly, jogging after Y/N and the doctor. Ellie didn't move for a moment, but she steeled her nerves and broke into a jog after them. The building began to shake small chunks of the ceiling came falling. Y/N led the group back to the hole he had gotten down in, looking up. Nora was looking at the dead WLF on the ground, none of them stood a chance. "You're a monster," Nora said quietly, crouching next to one of the soldiers. "You don't get to call me that," Y/N responded, trying to see if they could get back up the hole. He probably could, and so could Ellie, but he wasn't sure about the other two. "How did you two get down here?" He asked, looking back at Ellie and Joel.

"There were some stairs," Ellie responded, and Y/N nodded. "Lead the way," he said, walking over to Nora. "Do I need to aim a gun at you, doctor? Move," Y/N ordered, lifting her back to a standing position and giving her a shove. Ellie turned to lead the way, but she didn't get very far. They opened the door to the next room, which was not passable. The floor had caved in, resulting in a ramp that led down somewhere. "This is just not my day," Y/N muttered, trying to peer down the caved-in floor. It lead somewhere, somewhere he couldn't see. Something roared again, and then the ground shook violently beneath them.

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