Chapter 10: Aquarium

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Yikes, this chapter took a while to get out. I apologize guys! Recently I stopped working at my job because of difficulties with the manager and other various IRL issues. And now that school has started back up for me, I'm finding it hard to find both free time and motivation to write. That being said, it's been too long of a journey for me just to bail out now!

Thank you for being patient with me. I know I've said this hundreds of times before, and I'll probably end up saying it a hundred times again, but you guys supporting me is what drives me to keep writing. All of the comments I get to read, the votes that spam my notifications, means so much to me. I love hearing your feedback, and sometimes I may just respond to them. That being said, please enjoy this chapter.

"I... I'm sorry," Mel said simply, motioning her head towards Dina. "Sorry? Sorry! You don't get to be sorry Damnit, this is your fault! I should've fucking killed you while I had the chance!" Y/N yelled, but as he looked at Mel he saw genuine sorrow in her eyes. She... she seemed regretful? Y/N held the gun at her for a moment longer, before it slowly began to lower. "I've only wanted to help you," Mel said slowly, and Y/N just couldn't bring himself to shed more blood. "I can get us out of here, please come with," Mel spoke once more. "Why should I trust you, a WLF?" Y/N asked, and Mel looked down at her belt. She drew her gun and tossed it at Y/N's feet as a sign of peace. "Because I'm not one anymore."

Chapter 10

"Down!" Y/N called, guiding Mel to lower herself behind a barricade. A couple of bullets shot past where they were just standing, causing Y/N to grit his teeth. He looked at his arm, which was bleeding pretty badly after he took a bullet. "I should've left you behind," he said to Mel as he reloading the handgun he had. Mel didn't answer him, she just took a quick peek out of cover and ducked again when a bullet came by. "There's two of them," she said to him, and Y/N just nodded. Only moments ago, he had pulled the trigger to end Dina's life. "Can you keep going?" Y/N asked one last time, to which Mel nodded.

He moved, vaulting over the cover with his handgun aimed. Two shots fired, and two soldiers dropped to the ground. "Go right!" He yelled to Mel, seeing movement out of his peripheral as she moved. Y/N rested his handgun onto his forearm, continuing fire as he moved up. Bullets shot past him, some grazed his skin and brought for blood. All of this gunfire was sure to draw hordes of infected, and that was the plan. When the last of the soldiers that were shooting at him fell, he quickly moved to where Mel was. She was breathing heavy, clearly not in the right shape for this escape. I mean, she was pregnant.

"Come on, can you still shoot?" Y/N asked, kneeling beside her as he reached to his waist. "I can fight," she said between breaths, and Y/N gave a nod. He drew the handgun, flipping it over and holding it out to her. Mel reached forward slowly, grabbing the same gun she had thrown down as a peace offer. No words were said, she just looked into Y/N's eyes and gave a nod. "Move," Y/N said simply, and the two ran. Y/N led the way, drawing most of the attention as bullets went flying.

They didn't get very far before a rumbling shook them. Y/N pushed Mel behind a concrete wall as an armored truck rolled into view. He pressed himself against the wall as a storm of bullets tore into their cover. Heavy breaths came through Y/N's lungs quickly, his mind raced as it tried to think of anything. Mel seemed almost scared, she probably had every right to be. This seemed like way too much force to take out just the two of them, it brought even more questions to Y/N's mind.

The man rolled out of his cover quickly, hoisting up his gun and taking a shot. The bullet flew its intended path, cutting through the air and driving itself in a small gap. Y/N could barely hear the sounds of the bullet colliding with someone over the gunfire, which stopped shortly after. "Come on, we're leaving. Now!" Y/N said, running back to cover and grabbing Mel by her arm. The two of them took off, with Y/N looking back and firing rounds with his gun as a covering tactic. When he ran out of bullets to fire, he guided Mel into a cluster of trees to try and break the line of sight.

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