Chapter 17: Broken Hearted

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"I have to say, I am quite impressed with how you broke in," He spoke, looking over to a nearby soldier. He signaled something, and the soldier walked over next to Y/N. "I know who you are, you're infamous in my state. We have much to discuss when you wake up, immune child." Y/N looked up to see the butt of a gun moments before his vision faded to black.

Chapter 17

Ellie tumbled across the ground after taking her fall, coming to a stop. Broken glass lay around her, her body slightly cut from the push through the railing. She had to take a moment to catch her breath. The sounds of paws hitting the ground caught her attention, and Ellie looked up to see Alice standing over her. In her mouth was Y/N's bag. "Good girl," Ellie said softly, sitting up. She looked up to where she had fallen from. Ellie got to her feet and looked up, she wouldn't be able to get back up there. She grits her teeth at this. "Damnit Y/N, just hold on for a little while."

Ellie was furious at him, how could he have done this? But this was how Y/N always was, he always put her above his own life. But because of that, Y/N was in danger. And Ellie couldn't... she wouldn't lose him. Not like this. Ellie walked over to Alice, getting Y/N's backpack from her. "Come here, girl," she called. She fastened the backpack onto Alice, patting the dog lightly on the head. "Come on, we have to get to Y/N quickly."

Ellie broke into a light jog to the nearest open door, pausing before she pushed it open. Gunshots began to ring out above her. "Come on girl, we have to be quick." Ellie forced the door open and looked into the hall. She walked in and closed the door behind her. "Move! The other one has to be around here somewhere!" Lights swept across the hall, Ellie quickly got down to avoid them. Alice lowered herself next to Ellie, ready to pounce. Ellie put a finger up to her lips, bringing her handgun out in front of her.

"How do you know there's another one here?" One of the soldiers asked. "Our scouts that intercepted the WLF said there were two of them. One guy with h/c hair and e/c eyes, and one woman with black hair and brown eyes," the soldier spoke, and Ellie caught her breath. "Dina..." she spoke quietly. "How are we sure that they're immune?" Ellie reached up to steady her shaking hand holding the gun. Why was her hand shaking? She was alone, sure she had Alice, but Ellie was alone. This wasn't the same as when she was younger, she was alone against the military. "You're going to question the General?"

Ellie looked over the side to see the soldiers splitting up. She snuck out quietly keeping low to avoid being seen. Ellie held her gun with one hand and brought out her combat knife with the other. Ellie walked into a nearby room where one of the soldiers had run off too. She got behind cover and gave a sharp whistle. "What was that?" The soldier questioned no one, walking towards Ellie. As soon as he got to Ellie's cover, Alice jumped around the corner and tackled the soldier to the ground. He let out a pained scream as the dog bit into his throat.

"Somethings over there!" A light swept nearby Ellie. She stayed quiet as a soldier hurried towards the dog. As soon as he was in sight, she brought her knife around and drove it into his neck. As he choked on his blood, she aimed her gun and fired off two rounds at the other soldier. When he fell dead, Ellie ripped her combat knife out and watched the other soldier fall dead. Alice got off the final soldier that she had killed, looking up to Ellie. The woman wiped the blood off of her knife, her breathing a little shaky. But Ellie didn't have time to reflect on her actions.

She sheathed her knife and turned to the door the soldiers had come through. She walked through it, keeping quiet in case there were any more. Sure enough, several lights swept across the open room. Across the room was a set of stairs that would take her back upstairs. She hid again as a soldier looked in her direction. She wouldn't be able to shoot her way past them, she was Y/N or Joel. Ellie would have to get past them quietly. She looked at Alice and Y/N's bag.

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