Chapter 16: Full Scale Assault

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I'm gonna say a couple of things before you guys get to this chapter. The main reason this story hasn't been updated is sole that I... simply didn't want to. I've found my motivation to do a lot of things I used to enjoy very dead, and I couldn't drag myself to do anything on Wattpad. I wanted to get something out desperately for all of you, I did. But I wasn't going to finish this chapter.

I don't want to give you guys anything you might dislike, I want to pour my heart and soul, and hands, into these chapters to come out with the best possible outcome. I want you guys to leave this story feeling satisfied and happy with the ending, and I can't do that if I don't have any will to write. So, I'm sorry for the lack of uploads. Now that was said, let's get on with the chapter.

"Nah. What's going on?" Y/N asked, seeing the look on the older man's face. "Right, Owen wants to talk with us. He says that this storm can be good for an attack on Fedra," Joel said with a huff. "He wants us to do what? Not, that's a death sentence," Ellie spoke, looking between the two of them. "We can't just ignore him," Y/N said as he tried to defend his friend. "I'm with her on this, son. It's too dangerous, and we don't owe them nothing," Joel continued on. Y/N just huffed. "They need Fedra dealt with so they can escape on that boat. I can't just leave them, not after I became the kid's godfather," Y/N held his ground. "If you're dedicated to this, we are too," Joel said, looking over at Ellie. Ellie hesitated for a moment and then gave a nod. "It's still a bad idea, but we aren't leaving you again."

Chapter 16

Y/N walked out quietly, onto the docks of the aquarium. His footsteps echoed silently as Alice trotted up next to him. Joel and Ellie were behind him, but they let the other take the lead. Y/N walked up to Owen and stood next to him, looking out towards the ocean. A strong wind blew past them as Y/N looked up towards the sky. The clouds were beginning to darken, a storm was on its way. "You weren't kidding," Y/N said quietly. "I know my weather," Owen replied, taking his eyes off the view and looking over to his friend.

"The storm is bound to hit tonight, it's our only chance to get out of here. Fedra has the waters locked down, anyone who tries to flee gets blown out of the water," Owen spoke as he pointed out towards certain spots in the water. "Why would they do that?" Y/N asked. "Their leader wants to gain control over Seattle, he wants to make it a military state. At first, it was the WLF stopping him, but you solved that problem," Owen said with a pointed look towards him. The WLF were going to have a hard time fighting with only half of their soldiers. "So what, a dictator? All I need is a pedophile and I have bingo," Ellie spoke from behind them.

Y/N turned and just looked at her, not saying a word. Ellie stared back, and then it seemed to register. "Oh... Bingo," Ellie said quietly. Y/N turned back to Owen, looking out at the ocean. "That boat, can it get through a storm?" Y/N asked now, trying to think this through. "I'm not sure, but I don't know what else to do. If we can't get through in the cover of the storm, we may not get another chance to leave," Owen suggested. Y/N looked up across the way, at the island that Owen was also staring at. On it looked to be a large base of operations, that was Y/N's best guess at least. They had the ability to take out ships in the water, what else were they hiding in there?

"It's done or dies, then," Y/N confirmed, to which Owen nodded his head. "We'll go before the storm hits then, we'll keep their attention off of you," Y/N stated, leaning up against the railing that prevented them from tumbling into the water below. "You don't have to do this, Y/N. You've already done so much for us, I can't ask you to risk your life," Owen said, looking over at the squad. Y/N let out a breath of air. "I can't just leave knowing that I could have done something, that I could have helped you escape," Y/N spoke, looking over at the other two. "Ellie, Joel, you two can stay here and protect them."

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