Chapter 9: The Killer

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Yeah I know, it's been a minute. I've had some serious writer's block, but I got this out! Are you proud of me? Well, you shouldn't be- lmao. Anyways! This chapter is short because it was all I could muster out, but hopefully, this helps me get more out! Thank you for being so patient with me, and enjoy this chapter!

It wasn't a far run to the theater, where Joel forced a door open. The sounds of the horse panicking from inside could be heard very clearly. Joel held it open as Ellie ran through, then he closed the door quickly. Joel got everything he could to barricade up the doors, taking a step back. Ellie held her head as she fell onto a seat, still reeling from what happened. "Are you alright, kiddo?" Joel asked in between heavy breaths, stepping over to help. "I didn't need your help, Joel." Ellie snapped, but she knew that simply wasn't true. She would be dead if it weren't for him. And after a moment, she finally admitted it. "Thank You."

Chapter 9

"How have they been treating you?" Y/N asked softly as he looked across the way to a very worn-out Dina. "They said you made a deal with them," Dina said softly, and Y/N just nodded. He promised to be completely cooperative as long as they tested him and him alone. But, that all must have changed with the last attack he pulled. "I messed up, I had a shot and I missed," Y/N said looking around the jail they were in. He kept his voice low as he glanced at the two who were in the car with them. "Fuck, I can't believe I hesitated like that," Y/N swore under his breath, knowing that his mistakes could kill them both.

He placed his head in his hands, the chains jingling as he moved them. A hand reached forward and rested it on top of one of his hands. "I'm the one who got us into this," Dina admitted as she tried to console him. "Be honest, do you think we're going to make it out of here?" Y/N thought for a moment, the chances were slim to not happening. "I'll get you back to her, no matter what it takes." Y/N continued, purposely leaving out Ellie's name. He and Dina weren't close by any means, but they had one thing in common: a love for Ellie.

Y/N didn't hold any resentment towards Dina, it was his actions that drove Ellie away. And despite the repercussions, Y/N would do it all over again if he got the chance. He just wanted to see Ellie smile, and he couldn't bear to watch anyone else killed in front of him. Jackson was his home, and he would defend everyone in it until his last breath. What he couldn't do all those years ago. And this included Dina and the one person who hated him most in this world. No, now that he thought about it, that might not be true anymore.

"Hey doc, you wanna tell us where we're going?" The boy questioned as he finally raised his voice to the two WLF members in the vehicle. "Shut up, where we're going is none of your business," the man with a gun spoke. What was his name again, Manny? Y/N couldn't remember while he was killing everyone back in Jackson. "Hey now, the grown-ups are talking here," Y/N shushed, trying his best to antagonize him. "We're going somewhere where we can scan you. Where I can poke and prod you and the girl until I find something I want." The doctor answered and Y/N felt his heart drop. "Hey, we had a deal!"

"Last I checked, murdering innocents goes against fully complying," Manny spoke up, and Y/N relented. He figured that's what they were going to bring up, and he just reinforced the fact that Y/N had fucked up. "And Mel will no longer be in charge of either of you, she needs to go on maternal leave. You don't want me near that girl, and that just heightens my curiosity. So you want to hide something, and if it's the key to eliminating this fungus, I will find it." The doctor promised, and Y/N tensed his hands up. "If you lay a finger on her, there isn't anyone here that can help you," Y/N warned, and the doctor just laughed loudly.

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